There are honest tricks to test intelligency

Two things I want to address off the top.

**1 ) There’s a difference between being honest and being truthful. **
A a couple of years ago I dated this girl. Things were good for awhile until she broke up with me a couple months in. When my buddies asked me about the situation, I said “Honestly, I think she made a huge mistake. I’m a great guy.” This was my ego talking.

In actuality the TRUTH was being single was one of the best decisions she’d ever made. She seemed happier, more driven and made great strides in her schooling post break up. Telling the truth and being honest aren’t synonymous with each other.

2 ) Your level of intelligence has ZERO correlation with how honest you are.

Why? The factors that make you honest don’t require much intelligence.

Honesty is the INTERSECTION of persuasion, personal bias and audience capability.

You can be honest with different people and tell them all different things.

For example; you just got fired from your day job and find yourself in three separate conversations.

Mom: Heard the bad news. How you holding up?
—”You know what mom, I’m doing good. This is a good opportunity to re-evaluate my life and really explore my options.”

Best friend Scooter: Heard the bad news. How you holding up?
—”I’m alright. Now that I got some free time we can finally do that fantasy draft on NBA 2K for the next couple weeks! high five

VP of company you just met at a networking event: I’m sorry to hear about your layoff man. Happens to the best of us.
—”Yeah, I really felt like I was growing personally and professionally during my time there. Do you think there’d be a place in your company for someone with my skill set?”

The ways in which you are honest all depend on what you desire out of someone. Being honest isn’t a sign of low intelligence. Being honest is a barometer for how you go about getting the things you want out of others and out of yourself.

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