Growing Intelligence

Intelligence and consciousness grow through the fascinating process of emergence, with a group of components gaining new properties.

A few ants might not be much, the might walk in a circle until they die, but a thousand ants will become an intelligent colony, and a cognitive scientist compared them to our neurons.

From very simple rules, immensely complex systems can emerge.

The human genome holds a small number of
rules showing how to wire up our brains.
Our DNA doesn't hold enough information to describe our brains, but it can create them through emergence.

And fractals are another example of how infinitely complex results can emerge from simple rules.

Scientists are now researching whether the entire universe is an emerging phenomenon, from basic rules and particles to stars, galaxies, humans and societies.

A number of experts have said that we don't need a breakthrough in AI.
We simply need to scale up the neural networks and super intelligence will emerge

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