Inspirational and Jump Start

With this being my first post here, one of the topics I wanted to cover is something that I find close to my heart. It's more of a routine that I follow each day and have shared this method with many. And it has helped many.

Wake up each day with purpose and goals already laid out. Routines laid out that remove ambiguity of where your compass is pointed. This releases unnecessary strain on your cognitive computing that is taking place.

But more important, I start each day out with a little gratitude for something I thankful for. And I say it out loud. Yes it sounds corny however it makes you smile, and your brain starts to release those good chemicals that fires things up. I will then read by laid out goals from the day prior.

I will give myself positive affirmations. (Look up book by Jim Rohn: Seasons of Life)

However one of the most important tips I follow is pursuit of positivity. For example, I love quotes. Speak to my wife and you'll find out that I'm constantly quoting quotes. I make it a point each morning to find a new quote, see it, believe it, and make a mental pursuit after it.

I hope that makes sense. This morning quote for me was "Which of the photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow. " — Imogen Cunningham

(Quote Source: )

I'm into photography so I find quotes on this subject interesting. For you, if you add this practice to your morning routine, find quotes in fields of interest to you. That will make the much more meaningful and easier for you to mentally take ownership of them. Back onto that quote, why it's special for me today? I believe their is a greater meaning to this quote, something that transcends beyond the obvious words shown. It's meaning set's the stage for a better tomorrow. Regardless where your compass is pointed, tomorrow will be a better day if you make it to be.

Tip: What ever the quote is for the day, write it out. I'm not talking about typing it out on your computer. Grab yourself a No. 2 pencil or pen, and WRITE IT OUT. You'll be amazed on how your brain see's that quote now vs the typed set of words it was before.

One other item that is important to a strong morning jump start is to get off your butt and walk. Leave your existing thoughts, your iPhone or what ever smart phone you have home. Walk around the block or down the road. Just you and your thoughts. I find this to reset the clock, and clear my head. Kind of like what my night sleep just did. However this takes it to the next level.

You'll find your blood is flowing, your brain is clear and re-charged and overall much more of kick start to the day with these simple things followed.

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