Fulfill your Destiny in His ways.

My Dear Steemians, You don't have to chase for money. You don't have to go after blessings. Didn't God tell you that "Surely His goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life"? (Ps 23:6) So why the chasing? when these blessings will be the one chasing you down? And "These things will be added unto you" when you " seek first His Kingdom and righteousness." It means that you are already blessed.

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Success in this world is not necessarily success that God defines. It's not fancy cars or huge houses, or trophies, or medals, or fame, or title. Success is doing and obeying what God has got you to do. And you may not see the outcome in this world but the reward is in heaven. Take The hall of famers in Hebrew. You see if you got the eternal perspective, you will see. Those guys did not see the results in their lifetime. But they did their callings anyway. And they were commended for that. You know when the world tells you that results matter, heaven will whisper: but your heart matters more.

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How are you in the process? You beat the deadline, but how did you get there? Were you human and Christlike enough on getting through it? Or did you only care for the outcome that you did not notice you had become unbecoming to others? Where is your heart? For there lies your treasure. And did not God tell you that "He will not leave you nor forsake you"? Your future is in His hands. Lay down the worrying. Stop the striving. Surrender instead. Get your calling done. Fulfill your destiny in His ways.

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