An observance of the Weeds

Screenshot_20181225-010045.pngYes, that's what we're observing: weeds. Weeds are no doubt uninvited and unwelcome guests in our gardens, farms and generally in our surroundings. Stubborn grasses as we sometimes refer them, because of how they are so easy to grow and so hard to die, springing up when and where we least expected. It is hence generally felt that weeds can provide no means of inspiration to us.
Various articles abound on economic disadvantages of weeds, how to control or outrightly remove weeds and how to ensure that it never becomes a guest in our premises.
Well, the purpose of this article is to draw inspiration from the weeds.

Observance 1:
Regardless of the lack of love accorded them
weeds can grow multiply really fast, more than well tended crops .
Lesson learned
It is important for us to note that sometimes we may not be treated as grandly or even in the least bit as nicely as the very next person.
We can allow ourselves to keep pinning over this mistreatment or we evolve in character using that mistreatment as a pedestal to thrive and attain impeccable achievements.
Names abound in history who have used mistreatment as a means of attaining a greater good.

Observance 2:
It is difficult and costly to eliminate weeds.
Lesson learnt :
Be a force that demands recognition, make your mark, make it very difficult and costly for you to be replaced because of how invaluable you are. Stand your ground diplomatically.
See to it that you are so firmly rooted it would require you being done for you to exit the stage and learn a heck of a lot before you do.

Observation 3:
Some plants that are considered weeds in some areas are not viewed as such in other areas
Lesson Learned :
It is pertinent that while we wish to make our mark and change the course of history if not of the world or our immediate environs, then at least the history of ourselves that we are not beating a dead horse. If carving a niche for ourselves is in becoming in one area, weshould find a space for our abilities in another area, this will enable us to fit right in , grow and bloom into the best of us yet.

Observation 4:
There is actually such a thing as beneficial weeds. They improve the health of plants and are used for environmental beautification
Lesson Learned :
In the beginning we might not wanted or desired however seeing is at our best forms can earn us a great reputation and even a seat at the table. We become part of the team and a voice to be heard. This works best when we keep improving ourselves and letting ourselves open up to new ideas, polishing ourselves and staying ahead.
So when next you see that weed that sprung out from the crack on the pavement, passing by an abandoned building with wide variety of weeds , trying to take them out of our gardens and farms or just pulling them out from our surroundings, Take a little moment to reflect on how with less love, and harsh element and almost with lack of hydration that weed has become survivor and how you can most definitely be one too.
Then you can take the weed out.

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