Emocean (in the shallows and the depths)

Emotions are like an ocean:

Sometimes they are calm, inviting and peaceful. While other times they are fierce wild and unpredictable!

Near to the surface we can find so many colorful worlds of beauty and inspiration. But way down there in the deepest abyssal regions, we can also find terrifying and monstrous creatures hiding in the darkness ready to consume us.

There is no way to escape this ocean for we are part of it. We are bound to it both physically and spiritually. So the greater our efforts to seek dry land the more we end up thrashing around in desperation, fighting to remain above the water, forever reaching out in vain for something (anything) to come along that we can cling to and which may provide some buoyancy. But all this really serves is to leave us weighed down with stress and anxiety, weak from exhaustion and vulnerable to the dangers lurking in the deep, as we slowly sink beneath the rolling waves.

So we must learn to swim confidently in both the shallows and in the depths. To welcome all that each realm possesses. To understand through experience the true beauty and the real hazards that exist therein. For even in the clearest waters can be found dangers, and even in the darkest depths can we find light. As the waters grow rough we must learn to surf atop the crest of even the largest waves, and as the tides turn unpredictably we must adapt ourselves to ride upon the raging currents, to help us travel the entire wealth of our ocean.

So I ask you, before you fear the great uncertainty of your emotions to always remember one thing: That is equally as the Seas can take life, so too can they give it; and so as equally as your emotions can risk to destroy you, so too can they hope to create you anew...

© Westley Nash (2016)

Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and view my content, I am most honoured indeed and hope you have a really great day :)

Best wishes
Westley xx

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