I am a mom and I am up at 2am in the morning


There are some things that they don't tell you about being a parent. Sure they warn you about the late night feedings when they are infants, but they don't tell you about the times when your 2 year old vomits all over their car seat while driving, or when your toddler isn't feeling well they will literally survive off 2 hours of sleep while in the meantime keeping the rest of the household up. I feel that the reason people don't tell you this is that it would discourage you from having children.

Don't get me wrong I love my children with all my heart and they are my world, but seriously I put the kids to bed at 8:30 and my daughter was up crying at 10:30 and would lay down and wake back up. I am now lying on the couch in my living room while my daughter finally sleeps soundly. My legs spread across the couch blocking her from rolling onto the floor. As I hear her deep breaths as she FINALLY sleeps soundly I am reminded. I wanted to be a mom. I desired children with every breath in my body. I think that I can accommodate my children for their needs and their desires just to make sure they are happy.

I encourage you today. If you don't have kids allow someone to inconvenience you today. People have needs and if we stay in our little world and ignore the needs of others than how can this world become a better place. If you have kids then step outside of yourself (trust me I have to remind myself of this daily) and don't allow your kids asking you questions or just needing extra attention that day frustrate you. There are needs all around us. We just need to open our eyes.


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