Hey Mom....I See You


To the mom getting off from your third job so you can raise your child…I see you

To the mom up all night with your child…I see you

To the mom who has wiped up the fifth cup of milk off the floor and it isn’t even 10am…I SEE YOU

We as moms do so much to make sure our families are cared for, dinner, working, staying awake at night to prepare for the next day…only to be woke up just as you fall asleep for another cup of water and kiss goodnight.

We all struggle with wondering if we are doing things right. Am I loving them enough? Am I showing them how important family is? Most importantly am I sharing God enough? The struggle is so real that we exhaust ourselves trying to be this one ideal image of a mom.

But that’s just it, what is the ideal image of a mom? Perfect hair, perfect clothes, perfect children? Let’s be honest, nothing is perfect. What we are trying to attain ourselves to doesn’t even exist. It is all an illusion meant to make things look like everything is good and perfect. There are certain moms we look up to…not because they are perfect, but because they have been through the same things we are going through and they have come out the other side wiser and stronger. We glean off of each other and gain wisdom, but we are in no means supposed to be exact carbon copies of each other.

We always hear the saying that each child is different. The same goes with moms. God gave you the child(ren) you have for a reason. As He created them He knew you would be the only woman with the patience, grace, wisdom and love to raise that child up to be all that God had created them to be. There are no mistakes and you being your child’s mother is no exception.

So don’t give up. As your toddler jumps up from a diaper change and does a lap around the house half naked. As your teenager rolls their eyes or doesn’t want to engage. When your children are bickering over a toy. DON’T GIVE UP!! You are an important part in molding leaders, husbands, wives, fathers and mothers. If you were to give up now and just walk away who knows where you children will end up

So put those Yoga pants on with pride. Forget to put your makeup on and most importantly be the best mom you can be. There is no other mom like you and no other mom your children need. Guide them with grace. Teach them with patience and most importantly Love them with every bit of yourself. Because if you don’t do it, who will?!


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