Let Go of the Shore

For several months, as I woke up in the morning, I could feel myself coming back from far away… and a not too pleasant far away. Once I would open my eyes and realize I was in my familiar room, this location, these circumstances, this ‘my daily life’ story, clarity would begin to return. I’m here, glad to be here… now where did I go and why???

Not remembering dreams or any people that I met, just the mental activity and the feeling, I ask myself if I have been pulled into, or intentionally traveled into the turmoil-filled collective subconscious. It could be that, or it could be my own dross and I’m doing some visiting. In any case, when I realize that I’m still here, incarnated in this cool body, able to make the choices and do the journey, it’s a relief.

Lately I’ve been talking about faith, seeing faith and trust as essential for our own sanity as we experience the collapse of this world and the corresponding expansion of consciousness. It’s essential as well to get to know our shadow aspects, to bring into the light of awareness those many ways in which innocence has sought to protect itself. An Alan Watts quote works well to consolidate the feeling: “To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float.”

Listening to and respecting the voice of one’s own shadow results in a lightening up, making it a lot easier to float, but it is a process, and it does require faith. We don’t know how today’s river will flow tomorrow, but we can take notice that what we need of good does show up, always has, when we look for it and are open to it.

We know that the global shadow is emerging rapidly and fully. I expect as the change continues we will see a depth and breadth of illness or insanity we could not have imagined. The impulse is to escape, and maybe some believe that through the spiritual journey we can do that – escape. But, the exit door is the Exit door. Since the journey really isn’t one of escape, but rather transmute, transform, evolve… let’s consider what Alan Watts has suggested.

The collective as water: we have heard many references to human consciousness as ‘waters’ and also to water as spiritual nourishment. Many years ago I listened to a lecture where the speaker referred to the sea, and our first breath as a bubble in the sea… when our physical life expires the breath leaves. That breath would be the soul entering human form. So whether we are a bubble or a wave, we can appreciate the image of ourselves as part of the eternal sea.

Since I grew up with the Bible stories, it’s easy for me to bring to mind the water references and consider whether they are prophecies of the expansion of human consciousness that we are now experiencing. For example, we have a story of when there was a great flood and the waters rose and covered the land, and the ark rode on top of the waters. We also have the parting of the waters making way for the exodus from bondage; the story where Jesus turns the water (within a vessel) into wine; and the mention of rivers of living water flowing out from the heart. The Zamzam well in the Qur’an may have similar esoteric meaning – the wellspring from God.

What spiritual teachers and my own life experience have taught me: feminine provides the wellspring of love that motivates the masculine forward movement. This dynamic is within the human being, in the marriage of mind and heart. Within and without, our desire is to experience the peace of a balanced state. This balanced state has been messed with and manipulated within the collapsing world more than anything I can think of.

How do we keep from sinking and drowning in fearful or indignant reaction? In ‘spiritualease’ terminology we raise our vibration, relax, and float, or climb on the ark, or surf.

And finally, regarding the nighttime journeys, there is a realization that really brings me through turmoil, and that is the experienced truth that I am loved – so very loved. In times of profound ‘aloneness’ it is my own higher self that is radiating that love, and that is sufficient.

I am loved, and so are you.


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