You Must Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

People’s inability to deal with discomfort is one of the biggest setbacks for the majority of the population. As society we're conditioned to seek comfort. We want to be in a comfortable car, we live in a comfortable house, we want comfortable clothes want a comfortable bed. We want a comfortable income. People don't like we're so told that that is the kind of benchmark for how to live our lives in comfort that as soon as discomfort arises we just fall and like you watch it. you can see it when someone has that ability to kind of deal with discomfort and when they talk back and but discomfort I just mean physical pain, I mean that kind of emotional or mental setback there are so many people that you see as soon as you know maybe they set themselves a goal that's a little bit too ambitious and they're not quite going to hit that goal and you just watch them come up with excuses or stray the path or change their goal. they kind of deviate away from it like that's discontent not reaching what you set out to reach not reaching your goals that's a form of emotional and mental discomfort whether you can deal with that and then keep pushing through. that's what sets people apart and I think that yeah I've just my whole life it's so okay with being uncomfortable that that's something that's really kind of carried over into.
I guess any success that I have had if you've got a goal right and you think you know why you want to reach that goal your power behind how badly you want to reach that goal has them actually difficulty of the goal to really understand why you want something as well takes really deep levels of introspection on the surface. you might think it's a noble but stupid it may be because you want fame and fortune if you wanted that bad let that be your driving force you've got to have that self-awareness and that understanding of yourself to be honest enough to get to that kind of base reason why you want something or it's going to be too hard to stay the course. If you want success you must leave your comfort zone

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