ONE Thing To Be Successful

what's the most important key to success I think it's hunger it's not getting satisfied hunger that doesn't go a hunger to learn a hunger to grow a hunger to serve a hunger to give a hunger to create breakthroughs most people are hungry until they make a certain amount of money and then they get comfortable and there's nothing wrong with that because its but it's not about the money it's not about the business it's about your growth because every one of us either grows or dies people ask me all the time was it take to be happy I say one word progress equals happiness because achieving a goal feels good for how long a week among three months and then there needs to be something else and the reason for something else is because you got a grow imagine a conversation with your future self in that let's imagine that the U of 20 years from now shows up at your doorstep and that U is stronger smarter wiser wealthier healthier happier and that you shows up at your door and it looks at your life and it looks in the eye if that future U is going to give you advice on what to stop what to start what's the first thing they would tell you to be or do need to step back right now and think about who we all admire in the world right they're all people that punted the system they're people that practice singing since they were five there are people that shot ten thousand basketballs every morning it's always that it's always that 99% of people right now that are listening to this are playing in the middle they're playing in a game that was structured for them they're risk adverse they fear and most importantly they fear what other people think look I believe that we're all born with lots of goodness in us but life throws curveballs life the ambition of being alive helps us dream and if you've been given a dream don't discount that because you're not good enough yet develop yourself weaponise yourself teach yourself to be so good at something that is necessary to serve in the area of your dream that now you never even think about your comfort zones your comfort zone it's irrelevant

what matters is what are you trying to do with your life how are you trying to contribute one thing that discipline definitely does help you with is it helps you get things done and when you get things done when you actually do things you have more success if you have more success sometimes a big part of success is just not being lazy and just doing it yeah just yeah that's like 90 percent of it is just showing up get there and start working like you're not going to feel perfect every day if it's pretty much the same with everybody that that actually gets good at something that you get there's got to be those days you push through and they're them they're probably going to be more numerous than the days you don't and so the benefit of discipline in my eyes has always been that through discipline I get things done sleep is huge like sleep is huge you know a lot of people like yeah whatever I'll sleep when I'm dead and then oh no sleep when you're alive and your life will be much better yes I think 50 cent said sleep is for those who are broke and I think when I was in my early entrepreneurial days I used like yes sleepers for those who were broke if you want to like make money and build your business you got to hustle and do whatever it takes and then
I was just like well I'm actually getting fat I'm exhausted I'm letting angry yeah.

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