Why We All Deserve Love

I just wanted to go a little off the beaten path with this post today. I recently attended my older sisters wedding (March 30/2018). It really opened my eyes to pure love.

Now, I've been to weddings before but not for a long time, and not for someone in my immediate family since my mom's wedding when I was 7.

It was a gorgeous set up, very simple, very elegant. The venue was amazing with exposed brick walls everywhere.

My realization came when my sister walked down the aisle with her dad. Seeing the way my now brother-in-law watched her as she walked down the aisle was truly life changing, it brought me to tears and I'll never forget the way he looked at her.

They've been together for 8 years now and he's been there for her through thick and thin. An almost quiet support for her through everything. His look that day as she walked down the aisle was one that was a look comprised of every single feeling of love over the last 8 years that he felt for her.

The first thought I had was wow, what a lucky woman my sister is to have found her single person in this world. I almost had to stop and take a double take though.

Why, when someone finds a love so deep, do we say they're lucky to be in that situation? Why does it have to be luck that we find "our" person? Shouldn't we all deserve to have that person in our lives?

Everyone deserves to have that special person in their lives. That one person who chooses to be with you no matter what. Someone who through the worst days says: "You see the sun? The sun doesn't hide after a cloudy day. It comes back, strong, dependable, consistent and spreading a warmth through your body that will always come back with the sun."

Everyone deserves a sun. A star in their universe who can make people cry with joy with just. One. Look. One look should be all it takes.

My realization at my sisters wedding hit me close to home. I feel a deep love for my boyfriend. Not 8 years together kind of love (we've only been together 6 months)...or love that can melt you with one look. But it's a strong, dependable, warm love. It takes time, it takes patience, and most of all it takes acceptance. Acceptance that they're not going to be perfect, they'll have bad days, days where they're stressed out, grumpy, exhausted, and just down in the dumps. Sometimes you just have to adjust yourself to the situation, the day. So here's my take on love.

Love doesn't have conditions
Love is trust
Love is holding them on the bad days
Love is lending an ear to listen
Love is listening to their hobbies, even if it's not an interest of yours
Love is knowing when they're low and knowing how to make them feel better about it.
Love is compassion.
Love is snuggling in bed watching movies
Love is tummy rubs when you're not feeling good or running a bubble bath for them.
And mostly:
Love is a choice that we all deserve to have.

So here's to everyone who has already found their forever love as well as to those who have yet to find it...keep your head up, you deserve it.

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