Do you ever wonder where all the time went at the end of a busy week?

At the end of those busy week, have you ever asked yourself this question- "What have you achieved this week?"

If you did, it is time to change those questions.

  1. Who you really are right now?

  2. What can you do to improve yourself to see a change that you want?

I see a lot of people worked hard to achieve their goals and dreams but never achieve them after many years of struggling. And this includes me as well, I have been struggling to achieve my goals and dreams that I sometimes doubt myself if I am capable to actually achieve my dreams and goals.

So start by asking who you really are right now?
Our identity now determines who we are in the future.
If you are the type who think to themselves that "Well, this is my life. This is just the way things are. I can't help it as I was born into a poor family."

Guess what?! You will be stuck there for life. Is this the kind of future you are looking forward to?

Or instead you are the type who constantly go for training to improve yourself? Read self help books? The type who isn't afraid to ask for help and guidance when feeling lost?

This kind of people are progressing in life. Some may be fast, some may be slow and at least these people will not be stranded for life at the same place.

In order to become successful, we have to grow into a different version of ourselves.
In other words, a 2.0 version of ourselves.

This is the biggest issue that everyone is facing. You need discipline, determination, and a lot more to actually master the art to the road of success.

It's not so much on the methods used, rather you need to have the right mentor to be your guidance and help you build the right character along the way.

Ask yourself this questions now:

  1. What should I do now?
  2. How can I control my actions?
  3. How can I control my thoughts?
  4. What am I not doing in order to achieve my goals?

Think of yourself as a puppet on strings which takes orders from your mind and getting these orders done. Before getting to this step, you gotta focus on feeding your mind on the right food. Your mind is a powerful tool, use it to create your pathway to success. As your mind determines what you want to achieve in life then focus on building your dreams and goals. Then train your mind to set your goals and dreams and how you wanna achieve it? Then set a time line - one year? 5 years? or 10 years? This timeline is entirely up to you and how big your dreams are?

Since you are done with the what are your goals stage; now, ask yourself what do I need to do in order to achieve that?" This is where you start planning. It is very important to get through this stage with proper planning as it will affect your execution of plan.

Do ask yourself everyday "what I’m about to do today will get me a step closer to the person I want to be tomorrow?"

Lastly, look at yourself in the mirror and say "you are a step closer to your goals and dreams, (your name).

Till the next post,
with love

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