ALL IS WELL! New Tag For Steemit #loverevolution

Thank you to @rok-sivante for todays inspiration, posting an interesting video-clip, words I needed to hear to give me strength, a reminder that " All is Well " as it is. Lets take one step at a time and lets be the the co-creators of reality. 

What appears wrong is simply your own false imagination. 

It’s time for THE Love Revolution! The Revolution has actually started.....

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How Subjective Are Our Experiences? 

Philosophers and non-philosophers alike often say: "I may not know whether that is really a yellow banana before me, but surely I know the character of my visual experience of a yellow banana! I may not know whether I really just dropped a barbell on my toe, but surely I know the subjective character of my pain experience, right?" - Article:  Source Less Wrong  

Sometimes its hard to believe that all is really that well as it is. I have to live what I preach to the new generation. I constantly tell some precious youngsters around me, all our sons and daughters that  "The Universe puts you where you should be right now and to be patient". 

I need to give them the power of words of advice that they can achieve anything they want as long as they manifest their success, vision their ideas and results of creativity in all forms. Count your daily blessings. Open your eyes and see the beauty around you and close your ears of the dark sounds. 

We are light warriors as I write many times.

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Just a few months ago, I thought all was more than well. A new manifestation of my thoughts turned into a completely different reality, a new lifestyle, my goal became blurry but somehow it felt that I needed to drift closer to my dreams and no more time should be waisted to be unhappy. 

I had to clearly understand what my purpose in our world actually is and had to accept 1000% not only 1%, what challenges I have to face. I made mistakes spending my energy for some wrong people but at the same time some of various   disappointing experiences took me many steps ahead.  

"You need to associate with people that inspire you, people that challenge you to rise higher, people that make you better. Don't waste your valuable time with people that are not adding to your growth. Your destiny is too important." - Joel Osteen 

My vision is still cloudy but I am on my path into the unknown searching for daily inspiration, people who truly lift me up and support my ideas. Complete happiness is waiting for me and my loved ones.....maybe? How can we achieve our dreams without taking care of ourselves first of all, anyways?  


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Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper. - Albert Einstein

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The Love Revolution

The word itself sparks big hope and not only a great idea to live by, it is a necessity to heal humanities broken heart. There are so many tragedies happening around us that we need to become anarchists in the name of love. 

It became my call of action and being.  

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We are running around starving and craving for love, shielding ourselves from it but suffering in love as a result. Any love revolution starts by loving yourself. Keep this in mind. 

“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.” ― Mahatma Gandhi - Source Huffington Post

Read more about The inspirational book 

We peacefully as well artistically fight for social rights, animal & human rights and environmental issues. We are the voices of the unheard. We are the images of the unseen.

Image Source - The first ARTIVISM protest began during the Spanish Riots on September 25th and 29th, 2012. 

So, Here is the clip taking my thoughts away  for a few minutes. 

Hope you enjoy as much as I did 

Teachings, Soul Gatherings, Angel Academies sign up for free True Divine Nature free  newsletter

"Matt  Kahn and Julie Dittmar are highly regarded spiritual teachers and intuitives who combine a  heart-centered awareness of unity consciousness with a profound  understanding of the mystical nature of reality. They offer messages and  energetic transmissions to serve the awakening of humanity, and to  assist you in your journey of embodying more peace, ease, and love than  ever before. Matt Kahn is the author of the best-selling book, “Whatever  Arises, Love That.”

There are four simple words that point the way toward liberation and fulfillment: whatever arises, love that. 

Published on 17 Feb 2017 

©2017 True Divine Nature, LLC
All Rights Reserved

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Let your Love send so much positive energy that it shifts your vibration in any room. 



PS: new Tag #alliswell and #loverevolution @the-future 

PS : All it takes is one person making a step in the right direction to start a revolution. When you change, the people around you change.

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