Truth Talk - Sometimes I Want To Quit Too


As many of you know, I’ve been trying to focus on the good in each situation... choosing positivity over negativity. I am deciding to see the beauty in everyday moments, step out of my comfort zone, and start living life the way it was intended.. while choosing happiness. I think that has been reflected in my posts pretty well so far.

But I am also trying to be real, and the truth of the matter is that I don’t walk around all rainbows and unicorns all the time... I have bad days, I get irritated, I am human after all. So, for the sake of being real.. I realized I needed to talk about those times too, when I fail at the whole staying positive thing.

In Fact, Sometimes I Want To Quit

Yep, I’m sure you all can relate right? When outside forces start piling up the negativity so high that it’s hard for me to see past it. When nothing is going as planned, I have too many things that I need to deal with, I feel overwhelmed and just can’t do it anymore.. I wanna quit. I wanna give the world (and many specific individuals) the finger and just be done.

It’s human nature right? I am not perfect... In fact, I’m not sure I could be any further from it. Just because I am trying to focus on the good, doesn’t mean I’m not going to fail horribly sometimes.

The difference is that I now refuse to allow that negativity to take over. I will not let it cripple me into a person I do not want to be... and each and every day I will choose happiness, because I have the ability within me. I have the strength to power through the bullshit and choose how I am going to handle a situation, therefore deciding the outcome.


Well, what I have come to realize a pattern; Those times when I actually reach the point of just being done and am metaphorically flipping the bird to the world, I’m disconnected with myself and completely unfocused.

I have not been taking that time to allow myself to meditate if you will. I have not given myself those daily moments to escape from the world, really breathe, reconnect with my soul and allow my brain to clear.. being able to focus on the real goals.

I think these moments are extremely important, and I have noticed a significant change in my ability to handle stress without them. While specifically where these moments can happen is different for each person, for me that has always been in the form of escaping into nature.


I have always had a spot though... a place Where I would go daily for a minute or two and just sort of refocus. But, with the recent move I haven’t quite found my spot yet. Which means I haven’t allowed myself to have those moments ... and therefore want to give the world the finger more often than normal 😄

So, I’m giving myself the challenge this week to not only find a new spot.. but to visit it daily. I am challenging myself to do a daily break, to relax, refocus and reconnect. And since you all are part of this crazy journey...

I am challenging you to do the same.

Find a place; whether that be in your favorite room, outside somewhere or just hiding in a closet or bathroom because it’s the only place that you can somehow get a minute to yourself.. Yeah Moms, I’m talking to you.

Take a minute to let your mind wander, think about what makes you truly happy, the goals you want to achieve and some ways to make them happen. Or don’t think about anything at all.. just listen to your favorite music and let the lyrics take you to another place entirely. You could even make a journal or inspiration board based on the goals you come up with if that’s your thing.

The point is to allow yourself that time to reconnect with yourself. After all, we can’t take care of all of those around us without first taking care of ourselves.


So where is your spot? What do you do to reconnect and refocus? And who is joining me in the challenge this week??

Thank you for going on this journey with me.

Much Love,


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