The Desire To be the Best


Growing up, we all watched anime/manga and we were amazed by all the natural powers that each super hero possessed. Every single one of them showcased their special abilities and unique talent in different forms so we would choose our favorite one among them.

You see, back in 1996, I came across a famous comic book store. With a few minutes to spare, I stepped in the shop. I was overwhelmed by the choice of books so much, that I turned back to immediately get out of the store. As I was stepping out, the gentleman who was working there, told me to come back as he wanted to show me around. There was a sale going on that day, and the store was about to close forever. I got offered to take any comics I wanted in exchange of a small donation. My choice stopped on the Akira Toriyama’s series: Dragonball. I took the whole 42 book collection and ran straight home to read it. Mom was not too happy about how I spent my allowance money but as absurd as it may sound, that day completed changed my life. It didn’t take me more than 3 hours to read all of it that I already knew that I could refer to one of characters in the series.

Who got my attention among all of the characters? Vegeta also known as the Prince of all Saiyans in the Akira Toriyama’s dragonball series and I will tell you why in a second.

Yes, he was a fictional character but he displayed a lot of qualities that shaped me in the real life, to be the human I am today.

Here is what I have learned from Vegeta and that everyone could use an inspiration.

All of us get lost in the darkness; dreamers learn to steer by the stars - Vegeta

  1. Pride. Although he was not physically the strongest character in the series, he had tremendous pride, and he wanted to be the best warrior out there regardless. He refused defeat at all cost and always wanted to come back stronger after each loss. In his mind, he always had something to prove to himself. Let’s face it, people who have something to prove, need to have pride in their DNA and use it to their advantage to succeed in real life. Self-directed satisfaction with meeting personal goals is extremely important nowadays. Take ownership of every single action you take on the daily will allow you to master your craft and be respected in front of your peers, friends and family.

  2. Intensity. He had a fantastic drive and was very ambitious. Although he was born a prince, he had to work his tail off for everything he wanted in his life. Working and training his body at a high level, he was determined with every action he was taking. In real life, you need to have a strong purpose to wake up each and every day. It is easy to get carried away with what life has to offer but always operate at a high intensity to achieve your goals. There are no excuses for you to fail.
    Confidence. Vegeta knew he was confident enough, and he did not need anyone to fight his battles for him. Some people perceived him as being arrogant to a point, but he was super focused on becoming the best. He was doing what he believed to be right even if the others criticized him. You see, confidence is a quality that everyone should have in the real world as well. Do what others are afraid to do. Always go the extra mile in order to achieve better things and let the haters watch from the sidelines.

  3. Evolution. For most of the series, Vegeta was perceived as the lone wolf trying to fit in with the rest of the group. He was super intelligent, logical, brilliant and had the best tactical prowess in combat but was fighting with repressed anger in him. He eventually evolved and became more open minded as the series went along. You see, growth is a natural process in life. Becoming a team player and helping others become successful are the true essence of leadership. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and want to help you elevate your game. Reach up!

It’s not over when you LOSE. It’s over when you QUIT – Vegeta

If you are one of those people who want to make it in life and want to change, the first step is to DECIDE to do it. There is no time to complain, whine and be depressed. Stop making excuses and keep it real all the time.

It is all about taking actions towards your GOALS.

Thank you for reading,

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