What's your purpose?

The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

Purpose is the true definition of one's desire. Many define success in terms of wealth and other material things but in the actual sense "good success" is the actualization of one's purpose. So many individuals that live without a purpose never live a happy life the reason is that they have been plunged into a state of agony. It's obvious that low self esteem is now their second nature, they see successful people and they feel they can never get to that point in life the reason is not farfetched they lack the "purpose" of living.
It is one of the essentials of living but it's quite unfortunate that many people lack this essential in life that is why you see people sitting at their houses doing nothing, they stay around serving as observers and vessels to dishonest deeds of this modern world.
A man that lacks purpose in life is often described as one without a future he is like what people describes as a flag on a pole the wind blows it to any direction it wants the reason been that;

  1. Purpose defines our future,
  2. It propels us to our desired goals in life and
  3. It directs us in all our dealings that is what purpose can do.

I wonder how one tend to live when the essence of living is lacking. I would love it if we think about our purpose today and plan on how to accomplish it for through purpose we attain success in life. This is a principle applicable to all ramifications.

Have a lovely day!!

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