Late night thoughts - blog#1

Hi steemit people! Making a series blog every midnight!


Have you ever find yourself spacing out but inside your mind all of the what ifs are rushing down you spine? Have you ever feel like doubting yourself? And maybe for quite sometime think about what should have become if you should have done such thing.

Funny how these thoughts only visits you every night. When you're all alone in your room and you're the only one awake inside your home.

There are times that you want to talk to someone about your thoughts and what ifs but none of your friends are available.

There are times that all the the negativity strikes you and all you can do is lay down and stare at the blank space.

There are times where you just want to give up and just let go of everything.


guess what?

Those friends maybe busy but hey! You can stand up and be indepent on you own!
Those realizations can change into motivation.
Those what ifs is teaching you take the risk, because maybe it's worth a shot.
Those negativity are your inspiration to keep moving.

We live in a beautiful world, why not make the most out of it?

Photo from
Do check out her Minimalist blog!

Comment down below your opinions! I love the ideas of others 😊

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