The Power of Mental

I've been doing this music thing for a long time. I can remember when I first discovered I could actually make my own music on a computer...picture the scene in Pulp Fiction when they open the suitcase. I've always been a creative individual being a Leo supposedly makes it come naturally, regardless making music just feels right. Of course, choosing to go against the grain and pursue a career in music instead of taking the safe route doesn't sit well with everyone, but who are you living for again? Which leads to my next point. The moment you let anyone get in your head and tell you what you are not capable of doing you've already half-way loss the battle. Times have been hard, I'm not rich by a long shot but I'm committed and truly believe in my own mind that in the end I will emerge victorious. My last independent album was not created in a fancy million dollar studio. I put the time to get some audio training and learned to record,mix, and edit my own work. I also had to record most of it in the back seat of my car and I don't know about where you live but here in Miami, FL it's already 75 degrees at 7AM. I continue to pursue that burning desire knowing that my success is coming. To add to that I get a pleasure of sharing my creations and getting feedback. I love to entertain. I encourage you to attack what ever your passion or dream is with the same tenacity.Even when I was drenching sweat in that backseat, I enjoyed every moment and was thankful that I even was able to get my thoughts out and shared musically. I stayed positive and a couple months later winded up getting offered access to a facility to record my material FREE OF CHARGE. I visualized myself in a better recording situation while I was in that backseat, I even spoke it into existence before it happened. How so? Simple ,I BELIEVE IN ME. BELIEVE IN YOU. Speak it into existence visualize it before it happens. You are capable of achieving that which you desire.


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