Time does magic

Happiness is a way of life, when you smile and you mean it in your heart, happiness is indeed a goal to pursue- when you do your nicest to give and to love.

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Time flies when you are extra busy with life. There was a time when i wondered if i could ever recover from an incident that happens some years ago(jilted) but here i am so busy with my life that i can't hardly remembered when my life was crushed.

I guess that saying is true

TIME really does alot to you, it helps you heal and it helps you recover.

TIME is beautiful and amazing and it does alot of magic to our lives. TIME is one sure way that takes away every pain and sorrows. At a point in life things happens and it feels like its never gonna end but then the hero comes - TIME.

TIME passes by and then the magic is done, what was hurting becomes history and what almost tore you apart becomes a story you tell and smile. Whatever your case may be, may be you are going through pain, depression or has your loved ones just passed away and you are already feeling like life can never go on without them?

Hey, honestly it will pass, don't worry give it TIME and experience the magic. See, TIME heals even the deepest wounds it might take long but it does heal them and you will be relieved of the pains. Are you in pains excruciating pains that seems never to go away, give it more TIME, that phase will surely pass. Has everything in life seems tough and difficult and everyone or everything seems to be against you, at that point you think nothing can take away the pains but death.

In the deep to end the pains, the oceans appeared welcoming, may be a dive deep down would cure the hurt, u just want to go blank.
A tablet or 2 of painkillers has taken away the body pains perhaps a jar of it will erase the emotional and psychological pains you feel, so you want to try it out. My dear you're wrong because it won't take it away, suicide is the worse solution to your problems rather you are putting your self in more problms.

Oh! you feel you are going to die and go blank and all your worries disappear? No, because you'll be faced with more and bigger problems that you wouldn't be able to escape, you will be having explanations to give to your creator on why you took your own life; and trust me no explanation will justify it.

Whatever you are going through is never permanent, TIME does the magic and heals every thing.
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But for the scars, we're left with them to remind us of what was and how tough we were
It reminds us that we are strong and woundn't be defeated by pain.

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