Finding Your Verse of Faith

There are days when I am a mom of little faith. My patience is worn, my hopes are shot, and I lose sight of what's important. There are days I throw fits, and yell, "Y'all are gonna make me need Jesus!" There are days where I cry when I pray, and let the tears tell what's on my heart. And, there are days I roll over, fall asleep, and leave a heart and head full of restlessness.

The answer is much easier than you imagine, and it all starts with a prayer.

Finding Your Verse: Anywhere is Possible!

I was saved at 11. As a tender-hearted girl, I would pray that God would reveal his plans. I waited for a ray of light and a voice to boom down my tasks. Of course, it didn't happen that way. As the years passed, I strayed. I'll admit that it happened more than twice. It wasn't until I was 28 that something tugged my heart hard enough to make me look to God again. I asked Him to take the lead and let me truly follow him. The hardest part would be to keep my focus because I didn't want to fall back into the trap of complacency. So, I continued going to church. I changed the radio station in my car and my home. I even started Inspirational boards on Pinterest.

However, I still felt a disconnect; Doubt crept in, and I started to slip. In a sort of half-hearted, last attempt at being what I thought a Christian should be, I spoke a small, sincere prayer: "God, Help me to hear your voice in the smallest way. Let your Word be my guide, every day."

It's funny, how things can be revealed. In quite a secular movie, the idea that just because I know God and know His teaching didn't necessarily mean I believed in His promises came to me, and I felt a strange feeling. The single word "Believe" came into my mind, and I went online and started searching. A single passage jumped out at me, and I felt moved in a way that I hadn't before. I had found my verse. I repeated it a few times to myself and then wrote it on an index card to be taped to my bathroom mirror. Any time I looked at myself, it was there, reminding me of His Grace.


Where should you start?


  • Pray something small
Sincerity and Simplicity are key. Think about all the frustrations you've been having, and bring them to God, however you do it. Focus on what you want to understand from Him, and let that be your prayer. If you've got a tongue like Moses, use my prayer as a guide, and make it your own! The words WILL come, whether by mouth or through writing. Keep trying!
  • Start looking in all the right places
While going all willy-nilly in my Google Search did yield some interesting results, there are easier ways to keep inspirations together. If you're already on Instagram and Pinterest, use words such as 'Inspiration', 'Faith', 'Woman', 'Verses', and 'Prayers'. Your feeds will begin to change when you change your words. If you feel stuck, come and find me here.


Every step we take in faith counts, no matter how small.

I'm still a Mom that yells, but I find more opportunities for Grace and Patience than before. I am not perfect, but God loves me this way. We set an example for our children, and this small thing has helped me to make big changes in how I interact with my friends and family. So while we may not be Proverbs 31 women just yet, finding the verse that speaks to our face can truly be what keeps us focused on Him, every day.

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