Go Above the Average!

“Unless you are willing to drench yourself in your work beyond the capacity of the average man, you are just not cut out for positions at the top”- J.C. Penney

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The top is for that man or woman who gives it all to make things happen and J.C Penney should know.

Who is J.C Penney?

James Cash Penney was an American businessman and founder of the J.C Penney chains of departmental stores. He didn't start out as the owner of J.C Penney, but as a partner (one he earned through sound work ethics and salesmanship) with two other guys on a shop called Golden Rule Stores.
Down the line, he went on to acquire full ownership stakes in the business when it original founders dissolved their partnership. It was all sweet for this man who in 1929 lost virtually all his personal wealth after the stock crash, and had to borrow against his life insurance policies to help the company meet its payroll. He also introduced the "Blue Laws" which means, all his stores are closed on Sundays to allow for his employees to attend church.
To know more about this man and understand why his quote holds true, read J.C Penney's story.

To impact in life as an individual in whatever field it is you find yourself, you must be ready and always willing to drench yourself in your work beyond the capacity of the average man.
Living and working on terms deemed average is mediocre and mediocrity comes with little or no work from that average perspective of he who is tagged average.

Do not live average even when all you see is average. You must push the envelope to ensure you get really drenched in your work; It is the only way you will have truly put in the work.
Results are based on the amount of energy exerted into work, career, education, personal endeavor, relationship (social, intimate, physical or otherwise), etc.

The average are not cut out for the position at the top, they may get there, but they will not stay there. Be more than the average and do what the average will never ever dream of doing...- "Love your work and drench yourself in it."

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