Bored? Get Busy! Don't Be Static, Be Dynamic.


Don't get bored, get busy!

It is all about staying in motion. Sitting still too long is a momentum drain. Learning to use the momentum to your advantage is how you can overcome resistance. It's not always about being the best at what we do - it is about how you do it. Be persistent and you will find less resistance. I want to share a few ways to stay in motion.

Practice might not make perfect

But... It does generate experience and skill! Doing something repetitively and persistently often builds consistency​. Your level of skill grows as your persistent efforts accumulate experience. When you practice something, you earn skills and attributes, just like a video game. As long as you do not quit - there's no "game over". Taking breaks is absolutely necessary and personal time is entirely warranted, however, do not stop for too long.

Law of Inertia:

An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion




Put Yourself Out There

Let the world know you're here! Make yourself known for your actions, not your words. Let the world see you shine. No need to spam the world-inbox, they will take note. If the attention does not come right away - good! More time to get better, hone your skills, plan for your success. Never allow fear of failure or being inferior halt your pursuit of success.

You have to accept some level of vulnerability in order to truly subject yourself to the world. Put yourself out there and don't be afraid to fail. We all fail and it is about what we do next that matters, not our failures.


Bored? Your Brain is Hungry - FEED IT!!

Feed your mind healthy things. If your mind is idling and you find yourself overcome with boredom, it is your brain telling you it is hungry. Information is not created equal. Your brain needs stimulation and activity that stimulates senses. Just like a ​diet, what your brain intakes requires balance.

What you feed ​your brain truly matters. Just because you are online all day does not mean you are intaking 'nutritious​' data. Some of it is likely clogging your creative ports.

Things that inspire you to 'act' or do something is certainly more fuel for your mind than something that makes you want to sit still. Remember that minds at rest tend to stay at rest. Fuel your mind.


Stay Moving - Stay Dynamic

Don't be static. Don't idle too long. Find what fuels you - your passion. Follow your passion and what calls you. Don't wait for an ​opportunity to knock at the door, go out and tap opportunity on the shoulder. Never stop aiming at your dreams and working toward them. We all have the ability to create opportunity for ourselves, but of course, ​that is hard to do when you're not doing anything.

Set yourself in Motion!

Actions are what make a ​ change. If you're bored - get busy!

I used some playful language to also highlight that this post is written on by @dream24hours / powered by @grow-pro


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