How does this almost college kickout passed two engineering licensure exams? And how you can do it too.

As promised, I will share to you how I passed Civil Engineering Licensure Exam and Master Plumber Licensure Exam with limited time frame of studying. First I will share with you what kind of student am I. Hey, I’m not your 1 in a million kind of student with a gifted mind of learning things easily. I am an almost college kickout, not an almost dropout guys, an almost kickout! The school already got tired of my shits, haha!


(one of class cards in college--5.0 means fail) I always put this on my wallet to remind me not to be proud.

Short introduction on how am I as a student.

Short introduction on how am I as a student.

I failed in school. I failed miserably. I failed 8 times during my college years. There was this one time I failed one of my subjects and I couldn’t accept it and I tried to reason out to my professor and accused my professor on just guessing my grade. Haha! That week, I got my warning post(the pic I posted) scattered all over the College of Engineering building and yes, it got my attention. Haha! And the Dean told me I will be kicked out of the University if I will not fix my issues with the professor and of course if I failed in my subjects again.

Fast forwaaaaaaaaaard.


Now I already passed two engineering licensure examinations(the first one I enrolled in a review center the second one I just did a self review). How I did it? There are 4 things I will share with you and I think this is the major factors how I passed this two. Not a 100 percent guarantee to make you pass the exam, just follow what you think will benefit you and don’t what you think will not. Just like eating a fish, eat the meat spit the bones.

(1) The Pareto Principle


In every task, if you give your 20 percent effort, it will give you 80% of your desired result. The rest of 80 percent effort will give you only the remaining 20 percent of the result! This is what the Pareto principle all about. And hey you can use this principle in your everyday life too!

How I used this principle on the board exam?

On the CE Board exam, there are 3 subjects that is subdivided into almost 30-50 subjects each. What you studied in university for five years will be compressed in 175 questions! So if you focus on few subjects and study it with all of your time, chances are you will leave others behind. My advice is, drumrolls MASTER THE BASICS!!! Study the basics of each subject and it will do you good. You may not be on the topnotcher list with this strategy but hey, this guide is for passing the exam not for making it to the top ten. Haha! Memorize the basic formulae, 20 percent of it will give you the desired 80 percent results. (Goodnews, only 70 percent need to pass the exam. Haha!)

(2) Knowing the loophole in PRC board exams

One of my professor in the review center in CE Board Exam shared how PRC creates the Board Exam(He somehow manage to talk to one of the examiners). There is this data bank that stores all the board examination questions, the examiner submits to them 200 questions before the exam. Then the computer randomly picks questions that will be given and remaining unpicked question will go to the data bank. The next board exam, it will still go like this plus the the unpicked question from the previous exams, thus creating a cycle. That’s why there is still questions from 1999 board exam to 2017 board exam. And yes, it happens to all prc board exams.

My advice is to review the past board exams!!! Chances are most of the questions are already previously given. The more past board exams question you answered, the more chances of passing the said board exam. Proof? The Master Plumber Licensure exam is a 400-item board exam. I don’t know a thing about this branch. What I did? I studied the basics. I studied the past board exams! Just 2 months after passing the CE board exam, I also passed the Master Plumber Board Exam!


(3) Discipline
Of course you have to have discipline, try to make a schedule on studying and resting! And hey, I’ll give you another tip. Try to study on the morning and afternoon. Yes it sounds difficult because studying at night is when our minds is more active. Haha I feel you guys. But what is the time of the board exam? 8am to 5pm right? Do you want to take the board exam while feeling sleepy? Don’t get your body used to studying at night and resting at the morning and afternoon.

(4) Pray
And lastly, you can’t do it alone. Pray for strength and wisdom! God bless you and Goodluck!


If you find this post interesting, please share it to your friends especially those who will take board exam in the future. Thanks for reading and see you around guys!! Upvote my post and I’ll upvote your most recent post. Cheers!

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