Happy Sunday!


Text: 2 Timothy 2:19-21

But God's truth stands firm Luke a foundation stone with this inscription: "The LORD knows those who are his," and All who belong to the Lord must turn away from evil.
I. A wealthy home some utensils are made of gold and silver, and some are made of wood and clay. The expensive utensils are used for special occasions, and the cheap ones are for everyday use.
If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honorable use. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work.

In schools, teachers like the best students. They are therefore often selected to represent their schools in various activities in which they excel. In the same way, honest and hard-working employees are often promoted or rewarder for their outstanding performances. God, in like manner, demands the best from us. He has given us the BEST, His only begotten Son.

In the Old Testament, hallowed vessels were used for the furnishing of the temple. The Christian church is much nobler than the Old Testament temple. It is a living temple. Christ, the foundation, is the living stones on which believers who are also living stones are built to makrva spiritual house. They are chosen and separated from the world and by their new birth, given a new relationship. They are precious and holy because He that has called them is holy. They are God's peculiar people - a purchased people.

Today, there are different types of people in the visible church. There are fine and dedicated, challenging believers and there are professing ones that name the namebof Christ but arrvstill living in sin. They are carnal, worldly and at the end will hear from the Lord ......" I never knew you: depart from me , ye that work iniquity " (Matthew 7:33). The situation whereby some people profess to be working for God while either they are not yet birn-again or arebnotbyet separated from the world makes such service unacceptable before God.

Purity of life and faithfulness in doctrine (in the handing of the word of truth) are the two marks of an approved Workman. Set yourself aside for the Master to use you so that you will not be a vessel for dishonor.


Picture was taken from pixabay

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