

  • taps mic *
    Is it on? Oh... Oh! Okay, good.
  • breathes out deeply *
    They said life after death should be the most refreshing of all. Whether it's the good or the bad place... [Yeah! It's the good one,right?] They said that 99% of our problems is our fault. Then that would certify the statement that we are 'imperfect'. Unable to check our own flaws, or, balance our lives so... Perfectly! As to fit into the status quo, our MO, or to live in the moment. Living in the moment can be an art, if you look at it from an angle. Like... Oh hey! Let's flex. Fun? Dumb? Wrong!
    It does not mean that you shouldn't plan for the future or have a picture painted for the life ahead. But what is life without an end? [please this is a rhetorical question] what is a body without a head? [this too... Lol! Abeg! ]. What! Is the essence of my existence, If every day, I go through marathon recurring episodes of depression, pain, sorrow and regret.
    Every move I make at happiness comes back all just to hurt me. With school work on a high, and recreation on a low, coupled with the high parental expectations on my shoulders. Let me not even begin with peer pressure... 70% of EVERYTHING I do, is for, or as a result of influence from my friends. I can't even stay healthy, my eating habits are in disorder. [this... Still means eating disorders right? ]
    In my cause, noble and true to my fake self to find a role model, a superficial character I can imitate; act like, look like (maybe) or even talk like. I embarked on an unending journey for my identity. The search is tiresome.
    You know, Zig Ziglar said 'kids go where there is excitement; they stay where there is love'. But where is this love if a multitude of people are orphaned, have their parents separated, experienced physical; verbal; psychological; and sexual abuse. Some have been on the train of emotional neglect for ages!
    Oh! Don't let me get started on the mother of it all, her Majesty, the certified troublemaker, bestie to few, spouse to many, an acquaintance to a handful and a dear friend to everyone. All time MVP in the game of emotional breakdown, suicidal thoughts and even blockhead quitting...
    Ah yes! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you...
    [drum roll; round of applause]
    The number of people who suffer from these things I've listed have reasons to... QUIT. I didn't really know about the whole cyberbullying thing. Till I did some diving. Some 'whale' named internet challenge that threatened the social media lives of the players and eventually led them to forced suicide. Tragic! [DISCLAIMER : the information on this game was by word of mouth, from whatsapp... ]
    Suicide, is not some easy thing... Oh I promise you, I've tried. [But then I thought of food... I couldn't leave food]. Do you know people cut themselves till they bleed to death! With common suicide methods like suffocation, hypothermia, electrocution, jumping from heights?! Hanging, firearms, jumping into fast moving vehicles like trains and cars, deliberate contraction of fatal incurable diseases.
    Some engage in ritual suicide, others have their religious engagements with suicide bombings, then there's the one I don't get -- starvation and dehydration -- deliberately! Meanwhile, as some are denying themselves of food and water, others are making themselves barbecue by immolation; suicide by fire.
    Now the things that make people seem suicidal are quite obvious...
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