Are You Playing "BIG" OR small in life...?

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Have you ever had anybody tell you that you couldn’t do something?

Have you ever felt like you were meant to be something/someone in the world?

Have you ever wanted to do something so BIG and then someone in your life said it’s not “realistic”?

If you’ve had someone say these things before in your life…

If you’ve had somebody who tried to keep you down…

Chances are it’s because of the fear of you “surpassing” them.

I want you to know that the only way that you’re going to get what you want out of life is by being truly authentic to the world and to yourself.

How you be can be extremely successful is simple..


If your desire is to make an impact in the world, if your desire is to open up a restaurant someday… Or if your desire is to be in the best band in the world….

You have to realize that if you want success with that authenticity of yours…you have to play Big…


The people who are actually at the top of whatever it is you’re trying to do… they’re playing big.

I want explain to you what I mean by that.

“They’ve stepped outside the little box the world tries to put you in”

For Example: One way to step outside the box.. investing in yourself.

And a lot of people for whatever reason won’t do it...

I’m going to go ahead and share with you why…

A lot of times…. we’re scared to play Big and go after our dreams UNLEASHED.

We’re scared of what other people will think about us…

Or we’re scared of what they know other people might do if we show up as someone they are not used to..

People will actually put you in their little box of (you)…And the majority sadly believe that little box to be THEM!!

That’s one of the best ways to put it.

Do you guys realize that if someone’s trying to keep you in a box you might want to reconsider if they’re someone that you even want to have in your life..

I’m telling you right now that the majority of my past associations and even some family actually did not understand what it is that I’m doing and they will talk and talk and talk and talk all day about Curran Alvarez and how he “changed”…

How he’s “not the same”…

But here’s the thing with marketing yourself and playing big…

You have to take this saying and run with it, “I’m not everybody’s cup of tea but I promise you I am somebody’s shot of tequila.”

I’m not going to fit in everyone’s box but that’s okay .

That’s what I’m here to teach you guys today…

You’re not going to fit in everyone’s little box.

So Why Not Play Big?

Everyone is trying to do something different in the world and if they don’t see what you see possible for themselves, some will try everything that they can to pull you down with them.

Do you guys know that if you have crabs in a bucket… if one tries to climb out the other crabs will actually pull the crab back in the bucket… and that’s kind of like what’s going on right now in the world.

Small people get intimidated by people playing big or by people who want to play.

Big because they feel small. who want’s to feel small?

Nobody wants to feel small. So they try to pull you down with them.

So that you’re on the same page.

But when is enough struggle, enough?

I’m done walking the walk.

I’m ready to run. I’m ready to Sprint. I am ready for the marathon of life because I am absolutely dedicated and committed to making an impact in the world for my son, for my wife, for my family and for all of you..

the world.

I AM SPRINTING..because I know for a fact that if we do not do something right now..

There will not be anything left for those we love.

No clean water, no clean air, no real food… do you guys understand where I’m getting at with this?


Don’t be scared to play big because small people can’t see your vision.

Sometimes you have to take a leap..

you have to learn to take leaps of Faith.

and they’re called that for a reason…

Create your Vision and make it come true.

Your “why” is not enough….

people always say you need to have a why that makes you cry..

Well guys…

I know people who have had the same “why” for 10 years now… and they’re still in the exact same position.

This is this is huge. You have to learn that when you have only a “why” with no Vision it’s USUALLY an external pay off to make you feel/ look good.

How good does it feel to say… “My why, is so I can retire my parents.. so my parents never have to work again…”

But let’s be real… Are you really going to make things happen? Or, Is it a payoff to feed your ego? “Why” does not have the power to PULL you.

Having a CLEAR vision WILL.

What I learned from my mentors this weekend at this event was that none of them were ever.. “ready”.

Not one of them was it was ready to drop the money that most people would work

over a whole year for..

On investing in themselves to be able to play Big.

to tie this all together back to the beginning.

This is something that was really was on my heart today..

Do not let any one person ESPECIALLY THOSE not playing big, tell you what you can or cannot do.

If you have dreams…

You not playing big is robbing the world.

You’re robbing my family, you’re robbing your family, and your robbing the the the lives of billions of people by not playing big.

So I invite you guys to take a step out of your comfort zone and play bigger!

If you’re going to do something, Don’t “Half-ass” it and play small!


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