Let God Drive

Where God guides, He provides. No matter how things look, God is still in control. Stay in peace and be hopeful. Your blessing is coming soon. Germany Kent

Trusting God wholeheartedly is something we all need to do if we don't want to go through a life of constant struggles.

What or who controls your life? Is it your money, your business, friends or properties?

If it is God who controls your life then there is nothing to worry about because if He is the one in control He guides and above all provides you anything you will need to be at peace.
Many people don't see the hand of God in their life just because they are their own bosses and run all their affairs them self. God wants us to trust Him with all our heart, mind and body.
God being in control doesn't mean there will be no troubles, hardships and problems rather it means we rest assured of our His provision, guidance and help at all times.

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