For Aspiring Steemits Like Me: A Scientific Guideline That Everyone Can Use To Become More Successful

Everyone's heard of someone who's become an overnight success, perhaps you want to be one yourself. So the question becomes, which night do you want to become successful. A night two years from now, the night when you turn 60? Overnight successes, aren't built in a day. They put in a lot of hard work, until that day finally arrives.

There’s a lot going on behind the scenes, for those who appears to magically succeed overnight. There’s plenty of blood sweat and tears, as they feverishly work towards that day they make it. For you that day is coming, you just need to plan for it.

What the most successful people will do, is spend countless hours caring and nurturing for their various ongoing projects. This until  whatever they’re doing, finally comes into fruition.

Most assume that those who are successful have everything handed to them, or whatever they do just comes easy for them. It’s what they do behind the scenes, their methodology to get to that point, is what makes them successful.

Never Let Them See You Sweat

Success is like a duck that’s swimming on a lake, who appears calm as they peacefully glide on the surface of the water, appearing cool relaxed and controlled.

But what’s happening underneath in the water, their feet are rapidly paddling furiously, this where others can’t see. This is where all the work is done.

They appear successful on the surface, but what’s happening below them where no one is aware, is the motor that makes them succeed.

There’s a lot going on that you're not aware of, which makes the successful person. Certain traits, certain practices, that you don’t know anything about, is what makes them excel.

They Prepare Themselves Better

Those who are success oriented, prepare themselves for the long journey ahead. They realize that this journey can be an ultra-marathon, rather than a jog around the park.

Along the way, they know that they’ll encountered obstacles which are unexpected, roadblocks that no one warned them about. They’ll tread down poorly lit paths, while discovering a lot about themselves along the way.

Everything Is An Opportunity

Those who are success oriented, welcome and treat everything they encounter as an opportunity. They consider rejection as a lesson for personal and professional growth.

They get their strength from knowing being rejected isn’t the end of the world, but a passageway to a better one. A new door opens, as an old one closes.

This is why you’ll rarely see successful people panic, this once they encounter an obstacle, because they have the knowledge and the confidence that they’ll work through any challenge they face.

They’re Always Wondering And Asking

Those who are success oriented, will always ask the key questions without fail, this regardless of how asinine or ridiculous they may sound to others. They just don’t care.

There are also questions that they ask themselves constantly, which are far more important than the questions that anyone else can ever ask them.

Questions such as: “Who or what am I ideally wanting to reach, with this work I’m doing?” “Does this work serve a higher purpose?” “Who should I ask for honest feedback regarding my work? “What is it that keeps me motivated?”

They Balance Their Lives

Those who are success oriented, will keep balance in their lives. What they know is that their life and work is a work in progress without a set destination, so self-care becomes critical.

What they realize is that things can easily begin to slide sideways, skid off the balance beam of life if they focus too much on one issue.

They know that life is a long journey, an expedition on rugged trails unknown. Successful people realize that if they expend all of their energy to climb one hill, that they’ll run out of steam.

If they don’t properly pace themselves, they’ll eventually become too tired to reach their destination. So what they do is take breaks, have fun, infuse in entertainment related activities.

There Are No Shortcuts

What success oriented people know, is that the core of their success is hard work, determination, perseverance, discipline, this to produce the results they want.

What the majority of people want are instant results. If they don’t get it immediately, they’ll usually give up. What’s needed instead are well planned thoughtful goals, which needs to be executed by taking action.

Surprises In Life

What success oriented people are aware of, is that life isn't always fair, that there are potholes and blind spots around every corner of life.

They’re open, ready, and willing to ask for help, this in areas they haven’t mastered yet. They realize others have different perspectives that they don’t have, which leads to new opportunities for growth.

They’re Always Learning

Those who are successful are lifelong learners. They’re constantly reading, doing independent research, engaging in the wisdom of others. Their goal is to participate and absorb.

They know that they’re solely responsible for they laying down the foundation for their own success, and this growth can only come from they broadening their knowledge base.

They Don’t Have An Ego

Those who are successful don’t get caught up in drama, status symbols, or labels. They know that the best opportunities are hidden where others don’t see, or often overlook.

Successful people know that certain things, such as the latest fads, won’t always necessarily be the best value for their business, so they'll find what the best fit for them is.

They Practice Gratitude

Those who are success oriented constantly practices gratitude, and are thankful for all they have. They’ve adopted this as part of their daily ritual.

They’re grateful not only for what they’ve accomplished, but also for the help they’ve received along the way.

They’re always quick with a “thank you,” to those who’s given them support. Gratitude becomes the key to sculpting their perspective.

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