Behind every smile and laughter, there's deep pain and trauma you don't know

Because you see people everyday, all smiles, nicely attired and oozing of nice cologne and all shades of happiness doesn't mean all's well with them. You don't know how they labour for the little they have, yet you'll find people dishing hate and unpleasant remarks towards them.

I've really learnt to be empathic with people, even when there's no indication of what they go through, I feel like is simpler and better that way.
And I understand that life isn't as fair as it seems, even when some it seems all glittering, there's always something deep and touching about it.
Behind every smile and laughter, there's deep pain and trauma you don't know.
Behind that girl who can't love again, there's an unforgettable heartbreak.
Behind that student who doesn't pass exams, he or she could be brilliant but maybe facing too many challenges taking his time and thoughts.
Behind the philanthropist who swore never to help anyone no matter how close, he could have been duped or taken for granted.
Behind that guy who keeps to himself must have been stabbed by friends.

There's always a story we do not know from a distant observation about individuals
So don't judge, criticize or hate anyone especially when you don't know or understand them.

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