Success at arm's length

Success is one big concept that everyone is anxious about,to the extent that people engage in illegal stuffs just to be successful.
Various people have various definition of who is successful, and this is based on the environment, social status etc.
The question that Comes up now is, what does it take to be successful?
The first and elementary thing that holds other factors is believing in your self,in other words see your self as an already successful person as this helps to boost you to work towards been successful.
The second factor is getting to work it out, without putting in adequate effort, success will be a non existent commodity in your life because one can't fold his hands and expect manna to fall from heaven, you have to work out the plans you have.
The third factor is listening to advice.this is usually one of the most important factor that people neglect in their climb to success which usually affects them in one way or the other, one should be able to listen to people who have been in that stage you are now as what they will tell you is likely to be exactly what you will see as they have been there before you.But this doesn't mean you should take any type of advice that comes your way.
The fourth factor is what I call "a book a week plan". In essence this means that you should try as much as possible to read at least one educative book in a week.Almost all the richest men in this world are consistent book readers as knowledge and wisdom are deposited In books.
The fifth factor is never give up,no matter how many times you have failed just know that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
To sum it up I will life to share a poem by Napoleon Hill titled the philosophy of it goes:
If you think you are beaten,you are
If you think you dare not,you don't
If you like to win,but you think you can't
It is almost certain you won't

If you think you will lose, you are lost
For out of the world we find
Success begins with a fellows will
It's all in the state of mind

If you think you are outclassed, you are
You've got to think high to rise
You've got to be sure of yourself
Before you can ever win a prize

Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man
But sooner or later the
Man who wins is the man
WHO THINKS HE CAN!Screenshot_2018-04-04-23-34-04.png
So guys see you when next we meet!!!
Picture source: Google

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