Dear Universe: What Makes You Smile?

I have found that the "compliment game" or silliness deplete all negativity in the most graceful manner. What is the "compliment game" you ask? Here is what you do:

  • sit in a circle (2 or more have to play).

  • whoever initiates the game must start the game.

  • you must say one nice thing about each person in the circle starting counter clockwise (or clockwise).

  • when it comes to you, you must say one compliment about yourself.

  • then the person next to you does the exact same thing until everyone has done this in the circle.

NOTE: nothing negative or passive aggressive is allowed to come out of your mouth!

Sound too hard? Then maybe there is a lot of soul-searching on your part that must take place! Another full proof "arguement killer" is to make yourself seem/look as silly as you can (example: wearing a clown nose while arguing or whatever you feel would make the other person smile...from personal expierence, the clown nose works.)

Ooh! I almost forgot one! ART! Where would anyone be without art!? Face painting or painting with Bob Ross seems to always melt away the pain, but hey, to each their own.

What makes you smile?

Peace & Love,

Birdie & Squid


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