“Every man has in them/around them what it is needed to be great, mighty and to be a man of influence and affluence; but unfortunately not every man is shown and the great capacities they possess in them.” – Adebolu Aderinlewo

Every man and woman is genuine and special in its way. Some people seems just seems naturally good, perfect, self-willed, so determined that it seems they need nobody else so that they can achieve what they needed to achieve. Whereas, some people are cowards, shy, inexperienced, identified with failures, that it seems they always need someone to lean on, someone to pick them up from the slum. The reasons for this variability may be because of temperaments, their backgrounds or their exposure and experiences.

Despite the variability shown above it has been revealed that everyman no matter their successes or failures need someone to inspire them…(everyman has their down periods). So, everyman needs inspiration; everyman needs to be inspire. Inspiration is defined as the act of elevating or stimulating influence upon the intellect, emotions or creativity in order to do something.”

As Christians, one of the reasons we are on the earth is to influence people around us in the positive way by the enabling grace of God upon us. It is definitely true not everyone will love us, not everyone will accept the gospel, but if we live according to the scriptures, our lives can inspire a lot of people (if not everyone) to live according to godliness.

It is devastating to me to see how some Christians lose their relevance because of lack of understanding of times and seasons, or better still, because of not understanding what the will of God is. My beloved brethren, not everyone can allow us to impart to them gifts, graces and excellence we carry, but we can inspire everyone around us even without impartation.

We can inspire the people we are working with in offices, we can inspire people to always trust in God no matter what; we can inspire the students we teach in schools to live a godly life and aspire for excellence in life. We can bring out the best hidden in everyone we meet and inform them on how to explore this greatness in them. The next question to be answered is, “how can we make this happen?”

Actually, I don’t know how I can enlist all the points needed to inspire every man here because of the differences in us as human being. But I will inform us on those that seems foundational for other activities/process to work and yield results.

First and foremost, the bed rock to inspire someone to greatness is TO LOVE THEM. Love in this term means having a good affection for someone, we cannot truly inspire someone with our all, if we have not decided to love them. Love is very important in inspire someone. Apostle Paul write about love “…(love) is ever ready to believe the best of every person…” (1 Cor.13:7 Amp). I don’t how hungry you may be inspire anyone, but I can tell you, the first step is have the mind of loving them, have the decision to obey Jesus’ commandment for us which is to love (John 13:34-35). And one of the ways in proven this, is paying attention to the people as we want to invest in and that we want to inspire.

The second important point which is related to the second point is to SEE THE BEST IN THE PERSON you want to inspire. No matter how poor, weird, disturbing, wicked, foolish and intolerable the people could be; I want to admonish us to let the love of God rules us and please believe in the best in the person. The people that needs inspiration most are the oftentimes the impoverished, the tattered, the poor, the sheepish guys etc. In this regard, I want to implore us to please see the best in the people we meet no matter their background. This is done efficiently by speaking good and inspiring words to people we want to inspire.

In addition, one of the vital means to inspire someone is to BE AN EXAMPLE of what you are trying to pass yourself. People are more convinced when you tell them things that have worked for you and when they see you practicing what you are passing on to them. So, if we are inspiring someone to be excellent, we must do well to aspire after excellence ourselves, in our decision, in our conduct and our conversation with the people involved. Being an example involves us providing a prototype that the person we want to inspire, could follow. Living an exemplary life is enhance by living a lifestyle of honesty.

Conclusively, we do not all have to be pastors or have a title in order to inspire someone, we don’t even need to impart someone before inspiring them. We must have this quote at the back of our mind that “True greatness is helping others to be great even as we strive continually to express greatness ourselves”

I believe with these enlisted points, we have learnt the importance of inspiring others and I believe we will yearn to spend our service year here to inspire as many as God will bring across our way so that they could prosper and excel in spite of their past, flaws, failures and background.

I love you all…

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