Why 9/11 is a proven inside job.

Let’s forget for a minute all the inconsistencies that happen on the 11th of september 2001.
You can watch the below excellent video highlighting most of the anomalies on that day.

Instead let’s focus on fenomenen called free fall speed and why this is a 100% proof that the events on 9/11 were not carried out by 19 arabs in a cave but by a faction of the US government itself.

Free fall speed

What is free fall speed? In Newtonian physics, free fall is any motion of a body where gravity is the only force acting.

So why is free fall speed so important you might ask, well all building that collapsed on 9/11 went don’t in free fall speed. Including the 3rd tower that fell that day at around 17:30 that day.

Both towers , a 110 floor steel construction came down in 12 to 15 seconds. That would be the same speed as dropping a bowling ball from one of the towers.

Building 7

By now I hope that everyone is familiar with wtc7 also known as building 7 or the solomon building. A 47 floor steel construction that collapsed in it’s own footprint in free fall speed.

The highly incompetent NIST the national institute of standards and technology , who took 7 years to figure out what and why brought building 7 down claims it was due to normal office fires.
Now that in itself is impossible since no high rise buildings have ever collapsed due to fire prior and after 9/11.

But the real smoking gun is the free fall speed. before Nist came out with their final report on building 7 it denied that the building came down in free fall speed but due to the excellent architects and engineers for 9/11 truth, Nist was forced to revise their theory. On August 26, 2008 they released their final report where they had to admit that building 7 came down in free fall speed for over 8 seconds.

Coming back to the question why free fall proves that 9/11 was an inside job is simple. The only way to obtain free speed is by control demolition. And if that building was demolished on purpose by well placed explosions than the whole official story is bunk! It takes weeks even months to bring down a building in a controlled fashion.

Watch this presentation of AE for 9/11 truth.

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