Tiny visitors on tiny flowers

The little white flowers are Baby's Breath, a member of the Euphorbia family. The speckled insect is an Aedes Egypti mosquito, dreaded carrier of the Zika virus, Yellow fever, Chikugunya virus and other plagues.

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Fortunately, Yellow Fever and Zika virus are not normally found in my country although these creatures certainly are and the worst part about them is that they are active during the day and hang around in the plants, waiting for something to bite. They are particularly plentiful around my house and while they don't pester me at night when I'm trying to sleep, they are a nuisance when I am tending to my garden. I killed about 4 while I was trying to take these pictures. I was trying to get shots of the tiny solitary bee on the flowers, but no luck. So I had to content myself with taking pictures of these menaces, in between slapping them around my ankles. I'm not sure where they are breeding, I get rid of standing water around the house any time I see mosquitoe larvae in the water

Here's a photo of the bee, who refused to pose on a flower or stay still long enough for me to take a decent macro shot. Solitary bees are plentiful in my garden and I even have one that has a nest inside the keyhole of the back door. I have no idea how bees bore into wood, they don't really seem to have the anatomy for it but many of the solitary bee species are wood borers
solitary bee2.jpg

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