Corporate Innovation

The ongoing riddle to solve for the leading corporations is being proactive and innovative with a disciplined approach. Trying to take a closer look at fueling corporate innovation,

  1. The leading organizations should avoid being complacent as startups are on a constant quest of grabbing a pie. Building capabilities that provide early predictive intelligence into emerging health and momentum so that organizations get early signals on future winners and threats. Easily said, difficult to put into practice.

  2. At the next level, identify such signals on disruptive technology and business trends requires a disciplined way to untangle a vague and unstructured market context. Be a watchdog and establish listening platforms.

  3. Quickly visualizing industry landscape and assessing competitors move follows next. Create your own blue oceans but never miss out to testing new spaces created by others.

  4. Lastly, make bets in the right places. Growth is determined by how fast organizations pivot from those that are not so for them.

Happy innovating!

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