Today's holistic health challenge

Alright, Kids. Are you ready?!? LOL This one is on you this time. Today I ask You what You think You need to do differently for a healthier you...what is something that you do regularly that you think you could benefit from doing differently or stopping altogether perhaps? Be honest with yourself. Ask yourself open ended questions and really dig deeply. Sometimes the best advice you can take is from your own intuition. Listen to it. Now don't confuse ego for intuition and definitely don't confuse trauma based belief systems or fear for intuition either. Use your inner GPS system. There are some interesting videos by Zen Cryar Debrucke on YouTube about learning to use your inner GPS I found quite interesting. When asked the right questions it will give you the right answers;) You must also believe in yourself enough to trust your own answers. Your higher self knows exactly what you need. All that other stuff like ego butts in sometimes. Let that go;) Now sit with your thoughts, decide what is best for you, and go do it! And good job so far, Guys, keep going! If you need a restart, go back through and reread these daily challenges and decide what's good for you. Then start tomorrow; another day, another opportunity to start fresh! Namaste, Amy💖

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