๐Ÿ’ฉ The Colosseum's Crappiest Exit: One Gladiator's Toilet Rebellion๐Ÿ’ฉ

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Your Wikipedia of useless facts (that's me!) strikes back and today I have something for all you history buffs and fight fans.

Today we have the story of a gladiator who decided that the Colosseum wouldn't be his final resting place.

Instead he took a mighty shit stand in the only place where a gladiator could get some peace and quiet away from any watchful eyes.

The toilet.

And there our hero grabbed the only weapon he could find. Not a sword, not a net, but a xylospongium. Essentially a Roman toilet brush, a sponge on a stick.

And with all his might he shoved it up his ass mouth. Like a man! And died. And that's it. Lmao. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Apparently this is a real story and comes from the writings of the Roman philosopher Seneca. He used it as an example of the horrors gladiators faced and the extent they would often go to escape their misery.

Fun times ๐Ÿ˜‚

Sadly, Seneca doesn't give us the name of the Germanic warrior. Despite his epic death he will be forever be forgotten.



P.S Tagging @epic-fail I think he will love this


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