You can find the trailer on Youtube at the official Rockstar youtube channel in case this link doesnt work, all images are screenshots from the trailer

After 10 years since the release of Grand Theft Auto 5, we finally have the first official look at GTA 6.

The trailer was supposed to come out tomorrow but as you can see from the rockstar official X page there was a leak so Rockstar released the trailer early

First impressions, this game is going to be a hit.

If you are unfamiliar with rockstar games, unlike most other top developers who pump out new games all the time, Rockstar takes years to work on their game so when they finally do have a release, its a hit.

Ever since the official news came out about the trailer the people have gotten pumped up, its as if the king has returned and everyone humbly, and genuinely is stepping aside respectfully to allow the top dog in.

Rockstar truly is the king of kings in this regard, and they have been spending years and billions of dollars fine tuning this masterpiece.

For the first time we will be able to have a female playable character.

For those who played all the GTA games, they know that normally you are just one guy main character, and only recently in GTA 5 they introduced 3 playable characters that you can switch between. In this case we will have 2 (maybe 3) playable characters, a sort of Bonnie and Clyde dynamic.

The level of detail in this game is going to be insane. I remember back when gta 5 came out almost everyone took the day off of work/school to play the game. I would not be surprised to see this again for gta 6 which is set to come out in 2025… for all we know December 2025 so max 2 years before we see this gem.

Im not sure these screenshots do it justice, so go check out the 4k trailer but this game looks gorgeous. This year was the first time I ever modded a game so I played gta 5 with maxed out graphics mods and I can tell that this blows all those high end mods out of the water.

The water and vegetation mechanics of this game is going to set the bar, I do not think this game is coming out for ps4/xbox one, it should only come out for the newer generation systems.

Would be funny to see some ps4’s blow up though lol

Can’t have a GTA game without car modding and customization. Looking forward to see the modern cars turned into their GTA version. Wonder if they will some old school Banshee’s (Dodge Viper inspired)

Some say Vice City is their favourite GTA game so will be interesting to see what sorts of nostalgia is hidden in this game.

You can’t have a Florida vibe without the intersection takeovers making black marks on the streets.

It will be amazing for people who live in Florida to have a game based on their neighbourhood. We saw in GTA 5 how they were able to really make a very real LA city… I am sure anyone who played GTA has imagined how fun it would be to have a game based off where they live.

The thing about GTA 5 is that it came out for ps3, ps4 AND ps5… so they introduced things along the way, but with GTA 6 you can just imagine the animals they will have and how they interact with the environment. In Red Dead Redemption 2 we saw how amazing the animal interaction can get… this will be fun.. imagine someone bumps into your car and instead of continuing your mission you go kidnap them and feed them to some Florida crocs lol

Apparently the police star system has been reworked… which is nice sometimes you LOOK at a cop the wrong way and they pull guns out on your in GTA 5 lol no I heard it will be more realistic. Should be interesting to see :)

They even have a social media aspect, seems like along with the radio there will be livestreams and social posts about the latest events. I wonder if there will be a cryptocurrency aspect involved.

I like this “work together” mindset with this game, two people close and working together. Much different dynamic compared to the last game where we had a crazy person, a retired robber and a gangster.

2025 seems to far away…. But I hope by then we are near the end of a beautiful crypto bull market, we have all cashed out life changing profits, and can enjoy our lives and this game off into the sunset lol

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