Crypto Welcomes Everyone

Yesterday I saw a video of a young man asking trump what would he do differently when he becomes the president again about people leaving the united state because the United state is not friendly to people who are crypto investors and enthusiasts. Two years ago a lot of people left the United States because the crypto regulation was not friendly. Trump said he will make them stop leaving the United state, this means he will likely make the United States more crypto friendly so people won’t have to leave the United state. While watching the video I couldn’t help but remember when trump was against crypto and saying a lot of awful things about crypto, today trump is Pro bitcoin, has released numerous NFTs, and loves talking about bitcoin at every chance he gets.


But crypto didn’t reject him, the crypto community didn’t reject him for not being supportive in the past. Instead they are excited that one person has been onboarded to the crypto club and will help onboard others too since he has a massive influence. That is just from Donald Trump, remember when Michael Saylor was also against Bitcoin some time ago, only to turn around and started buying lots of bitcoin to hold, now his company is one of the largest bitcoin holding company. Once again, the crypto community didn’t get mad. But we have a lot of people who are so gullible and want to be resistant to change that they don’t want to ever change their opinion about crypto.

They are still stuck in the past, they don’t want to accept technological changes because it doesn’t suit their narrative. These are people that will fold their arms and watch technology pass them by.

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