Gulper Eeltober [INKTOBER 3 in 1 catchup post]

I am late to the Inktober party but the CCC / @ocd contest collaboration made me put pen to paper tonight! This is the day 3 prompt "bait", AS WELL AS day 2 "mindless" and day 1 "ring". A threefer. From here on out I intend to do these daily per normal. I finished the line drawing on this one before midnight on day 3 so I think this counts :)


Ah the gulper eel (Eurypharynx pelecanoides). With a jaw that hinges below its body and the capacity to swallow creatures larger than itself. A long whiplike tail that sometimes ties itself in knots. A glowing, tentacled organ on the end of its tail. Sensory spikes that stick out of its sides. Seriously folks, what is there not to like?





This was done quickly with no reference sketching first. I used the following photos and illustrations of gulper eels for reference, found through Google image search. I do not own these images and link them here only for reference, I have linked the original page I found them on if you click the image:

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