Information Warfare: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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It’s been said that “When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”

Well, it’s finally happened: Alex Jones---the “King” of the Info War himself---has been purged out of digital existence by YouTube, Apple, Facebook, Spotify, Pinterest, and Disqus---with more platforms likely to follow.

Are any of us in the alternative media surprised? Of course not. I’ve warned this was coming for years.

We’ve also faced rampant shadowbanning for years now, though nothing as out-in-the-open as what’s just happened to Jones.

Indeed, a newly-leaked memo has revealed how politicians are scheming to takeover the internet under the guise of fighting “Russian bots” and “fake news.” All misdirection of course… that’s their modus operandi. The true threat to people in the US is the government itself and the Federal Reserve.

Some libertarians who don’t like Jones’ schtick have celebrated the banning, saying they’re glad he was taken down. Within minutes I was posting that those people will eat their words.

First they came for Alex Jones and we said nothing…

The next day, the executive director of the Ron Paul Institute was suspended by Twitter, along with’s new editorial director:

Tom Woods on Twitter Executive director of the Ron Paul Institute @DanielLMcAdams has been suspended by Twitter, as has @Scot… 18-08-08 14-50-12.jpg

Any libertarians laughing about that?

This is Fascist Big Tech’s ultimate goal: all non-approved narratives will be removed from major platforms---after all, these corporations are owned by the same elite who wield government power with fascistic glee.

Google’s Eric Schmidt visited the Obama White House on a regular basis, with one watchdog group calling Schmidt “Obama’s Chief Corporate Ally.”

And let’s not forget the “unapproved narrative” that Google was created---at least in part---by the CIA / NSA.

Nobel Peace Prize winner, Barack Drone Bomber, even said that, “Google, Facebook Would Not Exist’ Without Government Funding.”

So, no, this is not just a case of private companies’ rights to refuse service to whoever they please. Google, Apple, and Facebook all have their hands in the government trough. It’s like I’ve called it for a long time now… Fasco-Communist USSA. There’s hardly any truly “private” corporations in the US anymore.

It’s also naive to assume that Big Tech’s Orwellian coordinated crackdown on Jones---most within 12 hours of each other---was just a reaction to Infowars’ “terrible hate speech.”

How do half a dozen “independent” companies all remove Infowars on the same day? Ironically, Alex Jones is chided as a “conspiracy theorist” but by any measure this was a conspiracy, “racketeering” they call it, to remove him.

Voting is a circus, a show---a racket that, by necessity, must serve the elite at the expense of everyone else, so there’s no doubt, with mid-term “selections” around the corner, that Big Tech felt a need to reign in the political machine in their favor.

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While we obviously don’t agree with everything Alex Jones says or does, especially his Trump worship which I have called him out on many times, we will still fight to defend his right to speak---with or without a government-sanctioned “First Amendment” to back us up.

That is total free speech, and what’s incredible is how much our message is still getting out there despite rampant shadowbanning and other censorship tactics.

On The Dollar Vigilante’s pages alone, we’ve witnessed it for months.

Our YouTube videos used to consistently get between 40,000 to 100,000 views---sometimes a million, yet have dropped to about 20,000 on average in the last year despite increasing production quality and quantity. That’s 20,000 views from nearly 200,000 subscribers on YouTube! Most say they never see our videos in their feeds.

Likely using a whole list of algorithmic trickery, we’ve been cut off from the audience we worked so hard to reach---all on a site whose original slogan “Broadcast Yourself” hinted at a service that was, indeed, about “You.”

Oh, and Google’s initial slogan was “Don’t be evil.” But, they appropriately removed that (or maybe just the “don’t” part) from their code of conduct in May.

The Powers That Shouldn’t Be do not want people hearing this message. They don’t want us exposing their evil plans, so hit that “bell” icon next to the YouTube subscribe button---while we’re still there---to increase your chances of receiving our content when it goes out.

Even MailChimp---one of the largest email service providers---also recently deplatformed Jones, putting one of the oldest means of internet communication at risk.

Still, email remains one of the more robust and “underground” modes of contact, so be sure to also subscribe to our email list to stay connected to us as the digital grid goes 1984.

While there’s tons of lost content, the bright side is this whole debacle will expedite migration to new, better channels. Big Tech’s open war on ideas has begun to spur more and more people off of their Orwellian spy sites and onto decentralized communities.

Kim Dotcom on Twitter Twitter, Facebook, Google, you betray your users by helping the Deep State to spy on all, you politiciz… 18-08-08 14-52-53.jpg

Steemit is a great alternative, using blockchain technology as its backbone, so follow us there, as well as DTube, where content creators earn crypto. If you still aren’t on there yourself, what are you waiting for? A platform that isn’t a CIA front to spy on you AND actually pays you for your content?

Yeah… it’s about time for Facebook to be the new MySpace.

A swarm of other pro-Free Speech social networks have risen over recent years, including BitChute, Gab, and Minds, which also pays users.

The free market can provide a solution to this problem, but we need to be committed enough to create the best services---and perhaps recent events will be the final catalyst.

In the meantime, unless they shut off the internet, the number of people going down the rabbit hole will continue to increase faster than ever, because in the end, freedom is popular and truth will prevail.

They are waging war on us for a reason. Because we’re spreading the information that will eventually take them down.

The push to take down more indie media is in full swing, with something called Vox labeling numerous people I know “extreme creators”.

Stefan Molyneux was an anarchist before hopping on the Trump Train. Lauren Southern says she wants to be an anarchist but can’t because of immigrants. Mark Dice, who I met recently, simply interviews random people on the streets of Kalifornia to show how stupid they are.


Even my friend, Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change, was featured here as an “extreme creator” because he shows up at riots and warzones to film what is going on, while the mainstream media puts out propaganda, and statists pepper spray and beat him with batons.

Pretty extreme!

Meanwhile, terrorist organizations such as ISIS, the CIA, EU, Mossad, Saudi and Israeli governments, and individuals like Barack Drone Bomber and Donald Trump remain on these networks constantly posting about who they are going to bomb or extort next.

Be sure to sign up for our email list and follow TDV on Steemit if you want to continue hearing our “extreme” message of non-aggression, anti-slavery, love, peace and prosperity.

Don’t worry, they can’t silence our voices. The more they attack, they will only make us stronger.

Don’t forget to subscribe HERE to get the information you need to survive and thrive during and after the coming collapse.

This article is also featured on The Dollar Vigilante's website HERE.


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