Who will help me become the next Alex Jones and fund the 5000 STEEMP we need to launch INFOWARS tribe and EOS dapp?


All we need is 5000 steem , 3000 for the tribe, 2000 for eos-ex and leave the rest to me and @infowarslife


We love our Somalis... Maybe THAT is where we go to create a new crypto haven... not Puerto Rico, but Somali Land... its ripe for order and blockchain decentralized government. Its all a hint, the great synchromystic rubix cube in the sky turns and turns but where what color and what face will it land on?

I can also get@ufonetworkand UFO coin involved so we can have @projectcamelot posts and Kerry Cassidy and David Wilcock and Ashayana Deane posting Extra terrestrial Grid Work here :)

This orion Cube apparently is an extraterrestrial device that can see into the future, or the present. Its been shown blatantly in pop culture from Star Trek Discovery,to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, BOTh have these TIME CUBES, WHY? Why is there a time cube in two separate sci fi franchises? Is that how they will unite Star Trek and Marvel canon together?

I think conspiracies are fun, we can talk about all the best memes, space, aliens, ufos, DMT, we can give erowid experience reports and get paid to smoke DMT and spend that crypto reward on legal cannabis from @harbormmcc delivered by drone. This is going to be a psychedelic future so you better get good at tripping and recording the BEST trips. (Like that one CGI short film about the girl who had the best dreams when we record and broadcast them to social media in the future)

Anyway we can have a LOT of fun on the infowars tribe, and I also have plans for UFO network for UFO coin tribe, and DMT coin for erowid and bluelight style harm reduction tribe. Ill mix all my old favorite things, drugs,aliens and crypto :)

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