When They've Silenced The Right, All Directions Are Free Game

The silencing of right-wing/conservative voices is a widespread epidemic at present. Perhaps the most prominent act was Alex Jones being deplatformed from Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn (yes, I know), Spotify and other numerous platforms.

The reasoning for banning Alex Jones (and Infowars), as well as others, is citing "community guideline" violations or in some cases like Facebook, "hate speech". Whatever the classification, it's clear that predominately conservative voices are being silenced.

image from pixabay

The liberals are championing these efforts to get fake news and hate speech removed from these platforms, completely oblivious to the consequences that will stem from their actions.

As social networks rose to prominence, their influence and troves of data have been a wet dream for governments for years. The problem is Facebook and Twitter are private companies, so the U.S government (and others) cannot easily get their hands on the data.

Then Snowden happened

The Snowden leaks confirmed our worse fears, the government was watching us and knew more about us than we realised. People have always known that government watches its own people, but the extent that the Prism program went too was way beyond what anyone envisioned.

The Snowden leaks were perhaps the most eye-opening moment for many as it was revealed the government compelled companies to create backdoors, and in some cases using warrants from private courts installing devices into data centres that harvested information.

A quote to remember from an outspoken opponent of Adolf Hitler, Martin Niemöller:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

While liberals call for conservative/right-wing voices to be silenced such as Alex Jones, what they don't realise is that there will be consequences. There is already government talk of regulating social networks and internet companies like Facebook.

What happens when all of the conservatives have been kicked off Facebook and YouTube, who is next? Do you think the government is just going to give up on its crusade to access your information? Absolutely not.

This is only a test run. We are going to see social networks under extreme scrutiny and government pressure to regulate and control their users, ultimately giving them what they've been so desperate to have for a long time: control.

Chinese style censorship is headed towards the U.S doorstep, some would say the waves of control are already lapping at our feet.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

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