We Are So Used To By Lied To, We Don't Care About The Truth

Time and time again, our faith in the government is shattered by a massive scandal that reveals the extent they will go to, in an attempt to get donations from influential rich hucksters who are hellbent on controlling the world or spying on its own citizens or eroding freedoms in their quest to implement Chinese style control and censorship.


When the Edward Snowden story broke and a trove of classified documents leaked out revealing the existence of a secretive government-sanctioned surveillance program over at the NSA which not only engaged in domestic spying of its own citizens but also of foreign leaders, there was a small amount of outrage. But years on, do you hear anyone talking about PRISM or any of the other secretive government programs?

The problem is we are so used to being lied to, we just assume we are always being lied to and don't care about seeking the truth.

People feel powerless and given the recent situation with the corrupt government organisation Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reversing net neutrality despite widespread protest from even massive tech companies like Google, can you blame people for feeling defeated?

Thanks to leftist liberal agendas, it is now considered promoting hate speech or being a right-wing conservative lunative if you dare call out the government and how it operates. If you challenge the status quo or demand to peek behind the curtain, you're peddling conspiracy theories and you're a candidate for deplatforming.

We idolise people like Elon Musk, seeing them as these visionary geniuses who will save us from ourselves, repair the environment and stop us killing ourselves. Musk is no different to anyone else, he just questions things and when he sees a problem, he tries to solve it even if he gets attacked for it.

The world needs more people like Musk to take the spoon out of their mouths, to turn the TV off and look out at the window to see what is really going on. First-world countries with climbing rates of homelessness, hunger and declining way of life.

Since when did truth become so devalued and ignored, that we all just accepted things for what they were? It's time to start demanding the truth, whether we get it is another thing, but governments bet on people giving up on causes eventually a kind of truth exhaustion.

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