Warping Youth: The Worrying Degendering of Society

I believe in freedom of speech, I believe in true democracy and people freely expressing themselves through what they wear, how they look, what gender they choose to be and any other form of self-expression.


But things are going too far.

In a story posted on InfoWars recently, a whistleblower from a state-run Swedish kindergarten has spoken out about the extent to which this gender-neutral nonsense has gone too.

In the above-linked article it says:

A whistleblower working at a state-run kindergarten in Sweden has revealed how officials told her never refer to children as “he” or “she,” to encourage boys to wear dresses, and to initiate conversations with children as young as two about “boys falling in love with boys and girls falling in love with girls.”

In an interview with Världen idag, “Anna,” who has been working in the kindergarten for two years, said she was quickly informed that telling children something they were wearing was “nice” was forbidden and that the pre-schoolers should not be assigned genders.

She later discovered that the popular “Emil and Pippi” books had been thrown away because they didn’t feature any gender neutral characters and the bookshelves had “been filled with children’s books with subjects such as transsexuality and homosexuality.”

This story actually makes me sick. I am a parent of two young children myself (a boy and a girl) and it puts knots in my stomach to read that there are kindergartens exposing children to these mentally warping subjects so young.

Just when you think the story cannot get worse, the article then goes on to reveal dolls, cars and trains have been banned and tells the story of a boy dressed up as a fireman was made to wear a dress:

Dolls, cars and trains have also been banned at the pre-school because they are gender-normative, while a boy who dressed up in a fireman’s outfit was told by a teacher to take it off and wear a dress instead even though he didn’t want to.

“I do not want a dress, I want this,” the boy said, to which the teacher responded, “But you know you’ll have a dress?”

I don't care what more mature adults choose to do and identify as, but when you start enforcing your beliefs and preferences onto children, that is child abuse. There is no gentler way to put it, this is state-sanctioned child abuse.

Two-year-olds should not have to learn about this stuff yet, I agree they need to be aware of this crazy new world, but confusing them like this and forcing them to be a certain way is brainwashing.

As shocking as these revelations are from a Swedish kindergarten, many parents are opting to raise their children with no gender at all. There are calls to remove gender from birth certificates, kids being given gender-neutral names, boys being made to wear dresses, it feels too far.

We've gone from wrapping kids up in cotton to stripping them of the privilege of having an identity.

If you identify as transgender, binary or whatever, that is your choice and you are free to do so. But expecting others to change their language and raise their children to see things from your perspective, it's brainwashing.

We are going to be seeing a lot of messed up kids in the next ten to fifteen years suffering from identity issues because of how they were raised. This is madness. Stop the abuse.

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