There Is No Russian Collusion

The liberal wet dream is talking and fantasising about Donald Trump being impeached for colluding with Vladimir Putin and Russia to overthrow democracy and rig the U.S Presidential election of 2016.

Except anyone with a brain who is capable of independent thought outside of the mainstream media knows that there was no collusion.

image from here

Any die-hard liberal terrorist you speak to who believes the lie will try and tell you that there was collusion because there is an ongoing investigation into the claim of collusion spearheaded by Robert Mueller.

Fact #1 - If there was collusion, Trump would have been impeached already

People keep saying there was collusion and that Trump was involved, but seemingly cannot explain why if there was collusion that Trump has not been impeached yet.

It's simple, really. If Donald Trump conspired with Russia to win the election, why has the investigation thus far yielded nothing linking Trump to Russia? People keep speaking so matter of a factly, and yet there is no evidence.

Whatever happened until innocent until proven guilty? Murderers and rapists are given better due process than Donald Trump has been given.

Fact #2 - The Manafort and Cohen convictions != Russian collusion

People like to cite the recent guilty verdict of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in a criminal fraud trial, who is possibly going to get a life sentence and former Trump personal lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to eight federal crimes including paying hush money to two women.

Once again, these convictions were not of Donald Trump. Paul Manafort acted alone (presumably) for self-gain and Michael Cohen incorrectly used campaign finances, but once more, Trump told him to pay the women but never said to use campaign finances.

Don't lose sight of the investigation here, these two convictions have nothing to do with Russia, they are related to fraud, not collusion with a shadowy communist country looking to erode our democracy.

Fact #3 - The Mueller investigation has failed to implicate Trump

While some associated former campaign figures and his lawyer have been charged, there have been so specific charges pertaining to the collusion claims whatsoever. It's easy to uncover other things when you shake the branches, but once again, no Russian collusion evidence.

As the investigation nears its second year, we have a couple of convictions related to a completely different set of crimes that are not Trump sanctioned or related (otherwise he would have been implicated already).

Fact #4 - Steele dossier is all smoke and no fire

It is believed the fictitious Steele dossier compiled by ex-British spy Christopher Steele was one of the contributing pieces of evidence used to kickstart the investigation into Trump and Russian collusion.

The problem with the dossier is that it has unsubstantiated claims within it, none of which have been backed up with any evidence. It's akin to going down to the bookstore and buying a fiction from Tom Clancy.

While Steele is well-regarded by some of his former clients and people who have worked with him, the content within is loosely based on things that people have told him and claims Russia was grooming Trump as much as five years prior to running.

When you dig into the situation, you actually will discover the Clinton campaign and DNC actually funded Steele's work on the dossier. That is all you need to know about the so-called explosive report of fictitious slander, it was a report sanctioned by Hillary and her corrupt campaign.

Trump seems to cop the most flak because he won the presidency, but I wonder if Hillary won if she would have been subjected to the same scrutiny and treatment by the FBI?

The real story

When you're being told to look and listen in one direction, look the opposite direction. Something much bigger is being covered up here and it does not involve Donald Trump.

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