More TDS found on /r/politics, all past presidents SHOULD have been thrown out of office and jailed...

Here is another edition of TDS I wanted to post, + some things past presidents did that CAN and SHOULD have gotten them thrown out of office

Was reading about the firing of some military people for going against Trump (AKA helping to participate in the coup against him via the deepstate). Say what you want about Trump, but trying to impeach him for investigating the Biden's corruption is laughable, and then firing the deep state stooges who went against him well duh...They should be fired... He is there boss...

Reagan ran illegal war operations/funded terrorists/over throw other countries, things you can ACTUALLY be impeached for, thrown out of office, and thrown in jail, but wasn't!

Bush Sr. ran illegal CIA ops/illegal wars/drug trade, things you can ACTUALLY be impeached for, thrown out of office, and thrown in jail, but wasn't!

Clinton ran illegal ops/helped train terrorists for uprisings/killed people over the years in Arkansas(aka being Arkancided), things you can ACTUALLY be impeached for, thrown out of office, and thrown in jail, but wasn't!

Bush Jr. started massive illegal wars based on lies, US troops smuggled Heroin/protected Heroin fields on our dime, killed millions and created huge instability all over Middle East that went into Europe now via "refugees", things you can ACTUALLY be impeached for, thrown out of office, and thrown in jail, but wasn't!

Obama continued what Bush did but ramped it up, bombed civilians so much they ran out of bombs at one point, drone strikes extra judiciously killing, started more wars/unrest via syria/venezuela as the two big ones people know about but there is more, watergate level spying on Trump.... things you can ACTUALLY be impeached for, thrown out of office, and thrown in jail, but wasn't!

Trump does illegal stuff too, hate to break it to you! He continues many of the policies from previous presidents that kill many civilans, continue wars, continue bombing/drone strikes, did some strikes on syria and Iran and others. You could technically impeach Trump on some of these real things and actually get him on it and thrown out, but by doing that it sets a precedent the Deep State doesn't like, because then the whole CIA/FBI thing starts to come down with all the illegal shit they do.

Pics of TDS Pt 2@ LTC Alexander Vindman Fired From the White House Edition!

TDS pt 1.JPGTDS pt 2.JPGTDS pt 3.JPGTDS pt 4.JPGTDS pt 5.JPGTDS pt 6.JPG

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