I have watched Steem and all Alts continuously go down for awhile now...

For me I have hit my threshold.

I have enough Steempower and Palpower to make comments and do whatever I want, but holding onto such speculative assets and see them go from 40 cents not too long ago down to 16 cents is just nuts, especially given I could have sold the top of 7 USD.

From now on I am going to sell a certain amount every so often and lock in my profits.

Alts aren't doing good and this entire market is manipulated by tether, pretty much all prices are fake. Recently Tether got into even more trouble with New York State going after them. I have a feeling the government is going to come out on top(like always). https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tether-responds-york-state-supreme-213140383.html

So I figure we have a limited amount of time to sell our crypto before the Tether scam is found out and everything crashes across all exchanges. Will be an interesting thing to see, should be way larger than MTGOX.

What about you, will you hold Steem down to 5 cents, 2 cents, a penny?

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