I can explain this in a very simple way Shoe.

Its because the democrat party is based on victim culture.

Its very simple. The days of the democrat party in its current form have been dead ever since gamer gate basically. It was when we started to see leftism fall apart under the weight of victim culture. All of that "intellectualism" behind the concept of being woke was based on lies about victimhood.

The exact same kinds of lies that are being used to take down Bernie right now are exactly the same poisonous bullshit that started gamer gate. The same kinds of lies that promote socialism are the same kinds of lies that are being used to smear Bernie as well. An ideology cannot sustain itself long term without strong principles.

In order for you to justify socialism you need to base your core tenants around giving things to the weak. This encourages hyper-victimhood psychology.

X people are privileged because of X reason. You are Victims of X people! Lets force them to give you free stuff!

The above is the core tenants of the socialist mindset. Which is also the core tenant of victim culture.

After we get another 4 years of Trump we can all figure out how to reform the democrat party. Start thinking about the future of leftism in general. But most of all, focus on things that are structurally sound. Stop being victims for attention. Stop crying over every little slightly offensive thing. Stop throwing people under the buss for personal gain. Stop being social justice warriors. Stop victim culture.

Crying about how victimized you are makes you look weak. Period, end of story. Warren looks like a completely weak moron right now case and point. The current Drama happening right now is due to the fact that both candidates are strongly rooted in victim culture.

Long term this strategy will be your own undoing because long term most people don't care about the weak. Humans don't give a crap about the weak. Nobody wants to deal with this random bullshit drama. It can work very well short term but after generation Z gets sick enough of it we may very well have created a monster that lacks nearly all empathy. We may have tapped the very last bit of empathy from the well of humanity with victim culture.

Warren is utilizing victim culture to attack Bernie.

Bernie is utilizing victim culture to promise socialism to the weak.

In the video Shoe talks about "At this rate the first female president will be a republican"
Yep, at this rate I agree!

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